Good Dancer

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Ciara's P.O.V.

A couple of weeks have passed since the girls' first day of school. Charlize and I have grown closer, while it seems like Kaelynn and I grew farther. I have yet to tell them that I'm their mother, and I curse myself for doing so. What if they don't believe me? What if they start hating me (well, I think Kaelynn already does)? My nerves were torn up every time I thought about it, so I tried to push it in the back of my mind. Multiple times I had a chance in telling them. Obviously, I chickened out, like that night with Kaelynn. Urggghhhhh! Why does it have to be SO HARD?!?!?

Tomorrow is Charlize's birthday, and I wondered what I would do for her. Even though her sister's birthday is only three days away, I'm not like those cheap people who thinks combining both birthday parties into one is easier. News flash, it's not!

So, what would she want? She likes candy. She likes helping me. She actually likes me. I want her first birthday with me to be the best one ever. (Not that it would be thay hard. I'm pretty sure the adoption center gave her a crappy cupcake with a candle stuck in it.)

"Can we have a party, Ciara?" I heard Charlize ask, interrupting my thoughts.

She sat beside me, Tyson in her lap. "I know we just had Thanksgiving at your mom's house yesterday, and you're probably too tired, but--"

"Yes, you can have a party," I said. She could talk forever if you let her. Which is cute.

Charlize's smile was so big, that it covered her face. "REALLY? OH THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU! CIARA, YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOMEST PERSON EVER!"

I couldn't help but laugh. She was just a ball of joy and energy. I checked the time, and stood up. I had to go to the studio today, which made me a little sad. I kind've wanted to spend more time with my children, but I knew this day was coming. Well, with Charlize, since Kaelynn was staying over at a friend's.

"Char," yeah, I can call her by her nickname now (XD), "I have to go to the studio today. So so sorry."

The young girl's face dropped. "You do?"

"Yeah, I am so sorry. If I could, I would stay here forever with you. But, unfortunantly, I have a career."

Charlize sighed, which broke my heart. I knew she wanted to spend more time with me, but that's just inpossible. Yeah, I do go to the studio when they're at school, but that's just not enough. Not to mention I have a concert December 1st. And I have to reahearse for it. Oh crap.

I went to my room, and started to dress more better. I can't go out in public in my pajamas! So, I put on a sweater, t-shirt, and sweatpants. (Hey, it's not pjs!) Just as I grabbed my keys, I had a brilliant idea. A smile spread across my face as I climbed down the stairs. Charlize was still on the couch with Tyson.

"Hey, Char?"

She turned to face me. "Yeah?"

"How about you come to the studio with me? It'll be so much fun!" I suggested.

Her eyes grew wider. And lets just say she was overjoyed. Because, we were on our way to my job.

"I can't wait to hear you sing!" Char exclaimed, bouncing in the front seat.

"Uh, actually, I'm not singing today. First, we're going over a few things in the music studio, then we're heading over to the dance studio."

At that moment, I looked over to see my daughter's jaw drop. A smirk was plastered on my face. I knew how much she loves to dance. She has a dance concert before school lets out for Winter Break, which I can't wait to see. And so does Kaelynn. She probably doesn't want me to go, but I will anyway.


Finally, we were in the dance studio. Charlize couldn't stop smiling as she watched us go over movements. Which made me want to see what she can do. So, I invited her to come and try to do the moves with us. Boy, she's a fast learner! She did everything so good, that I wanted her to be onstage with me that night. If I asked, I know she wouldn't pass up the offer. Dancing is in her soul.

"Your daughter is a good dancer," my choreographer whispered in my ear. Yeah, I may have told some members of my team about my daughters.

"She truly is," I said, dreamily.

"Whay about your other daughter? Is she any good?"

"Ummm...I have no idea. She still hasn't warmed up to me, which I still can't get over. So, she hasn't confided in me or anything, which upsets me. I don't know what to do."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

I nodded, glancing back at Char to see that she's occupied by learning a new dance with my back-up dancers. "Yes, I've done a lot for her. I understand that she has major trust issues, but...Can't she see that I'm not going to hurt her? I love her so much, I love both of them. And I will never hurt her. Neither one of them. I do whatever they want. I don't to be the over-protective mother, but I don't want them to be hurt or anything. I wish Kaelynn would see that. I really do."

"Maybe the things you're doing aren't big enough. After all, they're in school, so they don't see you a lot. Unless on weekends."

I pondered what she said. "Sooo...what you're saying is...I should homeschool them!"

She facepalmed herself. "No, Ci. I'm saying that you should...dig a little deeper into your feelings. Find something that shows how much you love them."

"Well, I tried to kiss Kaelynn on the forehead before, but decided against it because I swear she was going to cut my neck if I did it."

"No! What I'm saying is take them to exotic places, you know? Somewhere beautiful."

That actually wasn't a bad idea, to be honest. "That's...perfect. Thank you!"

A/N: Charlize dancing.

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