I Love You

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

                         "Why are we hereeeee?!?" I whined, stopping my jog to take a break.

This woman decided to take us to a mountain to get "fit". It is a gazillion degrees out here, no place for a girl to be running.

"Aw, come on! It's not that bad!" Ciara teased, pausing her and Char's work out.

"'Not that bad'?!? I am going to DIE out here! I am burning up so bad, by the time we go home, I'll look like a burnt chicken!"

"It'll be just a dark tan, nothing to worry about. Now come on, we're almost halfway there!"

"We aren't finished?!?"

They laughed then decided to rest with me. My legs were on fire, and I took a long drink from my pink water bottle that I brought. You would think that since I dance 24/7, that I would be used to working out. But, have I danced in 100° weather before, just for the fun of it? Noooooo. That's what I thought.

"You are so weak, KayKay," Char giggled.

"Nuh-uh! I'm fragile!" I remarked, sticking my tongue out at her. I was honestly REALLY lazy, and doing unnecessary exercising was just plain useless. On the upside, Brian wasn't with us, because he had to work. Ciara and Char weren't particullarly happy about that, but I felt like I won a million dollars! They tried to reschedule it, but he wouldn't allow them too. I really don't like him, and I don't know why. The vibes I get from him aren't good at all.

"Look at the view," Ciara said, pointing around us. I haven't got the courage to call her "mom" or anything yet. Char's starting to, though, and I could tell it touched Ciara.

"It's so pretty!" Char commented, gazing at the mountain across from us.

The view was beyond pretty. Beautiful couldn't even describe it. Just by looking at it made me feel a burst of excitement. Weird, right? I felt like running around the whole mountain five times just to look at everything. Obviously, that's impossible because I can't even jog halfway around!

"You ready, KayKay?" My sister asked, which was my cue to get ready for another round of torture.

"Can we walk this time?" I whinned again, sounding like a lazy cow.

"Fine," Ciara gave in, and the three of us began walking, Char a few feet ahead.

"Stay away from the edge," she warned, and my sister stayed close to the other side of the path.

At first, it was a little awkward, considering the circumstances and what has happened between the two of us. And we were walking side by side. A few other hikers passed by, and we smiled and waved. The tension was broken by Ciara speaking first.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?"

"You just seem...down."

"How?" What was the point in this?

"You aren't talking to me like we used to...before I said you were my daughter. It's bugging me a little."

"I have nothing else to say! I talked to you a lot, and told you everything about myself! What more do you want?"

My sudden outburst made her jump, and I instantly felt bad. "Sorry," I apologized.

"No, it's okay. I understand why you're so mad."

"I'm not mad, okay! I'm just a little frustrated, and it would help if you would quit it!"

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