Kaelynn's Birthday

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Ciara's P.O.V.

By the time Kaelynn's birthday came around, it felt like her and I have grown closer. She's came out of her room more often, and when Charlize is already asleep, she would crawl into bed with me, and we would talk about things that came to mind. She was really opening up to me. I cannot believe this. Never would I thought that she would talk to me about anything. I was beyond happy. Overjoyed. I felt like I accomplished something, for once.

"Shhhh! Don't wake Kaelynn up!" I whispered to Charlize as we made Birthday Pancakes for the Birthday Girl.

She giggled, and I smiled as we prepared this surprise for the now-seventeen-year-old. She got out a plate, and handed it to me. The pancakes were done, so I piled them onto the plate, and Char placed them on the table. I quickly poured a glass of orange juice, as Char set the fork, syrup, and placed blueberries ontop so it would be arranged into a smiley face. Aww, cute.

"Charlize? Ciara?" We heard a groggy voice come from the stairs.

"Hurry!" I whisper-yelled, putting the dirty bowls into the dish washer (Yeah, we have one. Doesn't mean we use it all the time.), and we tried to look nonchalant as Kaelynn stumbled in.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Both Char and I shouted at the same time.

Kaelynn smiled as she looked at the table. "You did this for me?"

Charlize nodded. "Ciara thought of it, and I helped!"

Kaelynn turned to me. "You thought of this? I thought I said I didn't want anything?"

"Rule #1 about me: I will get you something whether you want it or not. It's your birthday. I would be a terrible person to not get you anything. Now, eat up. You still have to go to school."


Kaelynn had Dance Team practice this afternoon, so I took Char to the mall so we could brainstorm ideas for her birthday.

"Okay, Char, think. What does a teenage girl want?" I said, thinking.

"What did you always want when you were a teenager?" Charlize asked.

"To move out," I responded, still thinking. "But, that's nothing. We need to figure out what she want--would want. Any ideas?"

Charlize shrugged. "She complains about her hair, her clothes, her breath. Ooh! Maybe we should get her toothpaste!"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Hmmm. Not bad observations. Oh! I can get her hair stuff and a new outfit! Come follow me!"

"I still think we should get her toothpaste," Char mumbled from behind me.


Once Kaelynn got out of practice, we drove into town, and decided to have dinner at a restraunt (Did I spell that right?) of Kaelynn's choice. I told her that we had presents for her, and she tried to argue with us, saying she wanted nothing and that we should take them back. Of course, Char and I won, because we're awesome!

I took a picture of them two together, and uploaded it on various social media sites. Then, I put my phone away to enjoy the evening with the girls.

"Ciara, I have to say that this was the best birthday ever," Kaelynn said. "Thank you so much for doing this."

I grinned. "Anything for my girls!"

We ate for a bit, them talking about their day at school, and me talking about my boring day rehearsing for a concert.

"...And so, my concert's tomorrow," I concluded, sipping my drink.

"Really? Where?" Kaelynn asked.

"In L.A. Usually, they'd be in New York or Florida. I even went to South America for a concert on my tour!"

"Whoooooaaaa," Charlize said in awe. "Can we come on your next tour?"

"Char!" Kaelynn scolded.

"Actually, you can. Whenever that will be. I would love to bring you girls on tour with me! Maybe as back-up dancers," I hinted with a smirk.

"That would be so cool!" Charlize exclaimed. Kaelynn nodded in agreement.

"ONLY if I can see how you two dance," I said, smugly.

"You already saw me dance, Ciara!" Charlize said.

"I did, indeed. But, I have not seen thy eldest's moves, and thou shalt not go on tour 'til thou showest dance moves."

They busted out laughing, and I laughed along with them. They sure had a sense of humour, which I was glad.

Next, we watched Kaelynn open her presents. I had gotten her a new outfit, which I knew she would love.

"Oh my gosh, Ciara! I love it!" Was her response to it. Then she went through the various hair products, and I had to explain some of them, because she had no idea how they worked. And I bought her an ipad, like what one of the presents I got for Char.

"Ciara...I love it. And it's orange! My favorite color!" Kaelynn squealed like a delighted child, and I couldn't help but laugh at that. Then I got her multiple gift cards to places like Starbucks, Hot Topics, Forever 21, and so on. She noticed a last bag that was small, and I didn't recognize it. Kaelynn got it and dug around until she found...

"Toothpaste?" Kaelynn questioned, confusion etched onto her face. Immediately I turned to the tounger girl with a look. "'To KayKay, who complained about her breath stinking',"Kaelynn read. I let out a chuckle, and got a look from Kaelynn, and tried to cover it up with a cough.


I laid in my bed in my pjs, curled up with my pillow. It's safe to say that today has been a huge success. Not only for celebrating her birthday, but for our relationship to bud. She has not given me one serious dirty look today, which made me happy.

My eyes closed, and I was about to go to sleep until I felt the bed shift. One eye opened to be met with a similar eye. I opened both eyes and smiled at my oldest daughter.

"Hey, Kaelynn," I said, quietly.

"Hi, Ciara," she responded.

"What's up?"

Kaelynn looked down at her fumbling fingers. "I just wanted to say thank you. Again. For everything. You are amazing. And, I also wanted to say I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry? For what?"

"For being such a brat when I first met you. My issues had no exuse whatsoever."

"That's okay. I really didn't expect you to like me any time. I thought you were going to hate me for the rest of your life."

Kaelynn smiled at me. I smiled back. Then she yawned, and snuggled into me. I wrapped my arms around her, and we both fell asleep.

A/N: The picture mentioned and KayKay's new outfit.

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