She Actually Loves Me!

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Ciara's P.O.V.

A knock from the front door disturbed the silence that fell between my parents and I. Gladly, I went to open it. A girl about Charlize's age stood before me. She had dark brown hair, and looked a little familiar. I saw her before, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Hello. May I help you?" I asked, politely.

"Uh, hi. I'm Summer, and I'm here to see Charlize, because today's her birthday, and I got her a present."

That's why she looked so familiar! I saw her the day I got Kaelynn and Charlize! And Charlize has talked about her a lot, that's how I remembered her name.

"Oh, hey. Come in, come in!" I ushered her inside, along with a woman who looked like she had so much authority, it kind of scared me.

"Uh, Charlize is in her room, upstairs. You can tell which room is hers, judging by the loud noises."

After I put her present on the table with the others, I turned to the Authority Woman. Her prescence scared me. But, I put a smile on my face and said, "Hello, I'm--"

"I have no time for chit chat. I'm just going to be here for a few minutes, then I'm taking Summer back," she said in a voice that was deep, for a woman.

Rude. But, I tried not to show it. "Okay...Well, we're going to bring the kids down to eat. Um, you can eat with us, if you want."

"No. Because once Summer's finished, she's going back."

"Oh, so she's not adopted by you?" As you can see, I was trying to be nice and make conversation with her instead of kicking her out. Besides Kaelynn, I will not tolerate anybody that's rude.

The woman scrunched up her face. "Ew. Why would I want to take care of these dreadful urchins? They're more work, and I don't want any."

She was now really getting on my nerves. "You do realize that you were a 'dreadful urchin' once?"

The woman rolled her eyes, then brushed past me to sit in the kitchen. Oh, you don't know how bad I wanted to screw up this woman's face. But, I didn't want to ruin my daughter's birthday party. Besides, I'm not a violent person.

  After I called the girls down, we sung 'Happy Birthday' to the birthday girl, who was blushing wildly. She blew out her candles,  and made a wish. But, she didn't say it out loud. I wonder what she wished for. Then, I fed everybody. I sat beside Charlize, and was on the edge of our side. Kaelynn actually sat beside me, on the shorter side of the table! I had to contain the smile that was creeping onto my face. To be honest, I knew that she would sit farthest away from me. My mom sat across from me, and my dad sat to her right. The Authority Woman didn't sit nor eat. She stood, leaning against the counter, with her arms crossed. Her lips were pursed, and she kept glancing at her watch. I gritted my teeth to keep from saying a smart remark. I did not like that woman.


Once Charlize opened her presents, the woman left with Summer, rather in a hurry. Camren and Angel stayed for a little while longer before leaving with their parents. My dad was currently sitting in the car, while my mom was helping me clean up. At first, it was silent, except the clanking of silverware and plates. Until she spoke up.

  "Ciara, I'm sorry about whay your father said--"

  "There's no need to apologize for Daddy's actions. You didn't make him say all that stuff."

  She sighed before flicking the water off her hands. "I know, but...Your dad's getting old. And he can't control the things that come out of his mouth anymore, like he used to."

  "So, you're saying he's always wanted to yell at me like that for years?" I was honestly hurt and really confused.

  "No no no no no! I'm just...Forgive your father. He's just fed up with everything, and yelling back at him will only make it worse."

  "Mom, I didn't yell at him! He started it!"

  "Don't you dare raise your voice at me like that! And respect your dad. He's held it in this long, and couldn't hold it in any longer."

   I clenched ny teeth together and didn't respond.

  "Do you understand?"

  "Yes, ma'am."


"So, did you like your birthday?" I asked Charlize as we sat in her room, on her bed.

  "Yes, Ciara! It was the best birthday ever! You are amazing, all of my friends loved it! Can we have one again, next year?"

  "Maybe. But, wouldn't doing the same thing every year get a little boring?"

  "Well...we celebrate Christmas every year. Is it boring to you?"

  I laughed a bit. "No, but that's not what I was saying."

  "I've always hated Christmas. KayKay and I didn't have anybody to celebrate it with. Our foster parents don't count, because they don't love us..." Charlize trailed off, knitting her eyebrows together. I knew she was going to say something else, so I didn't say anything. "...Ciara, do you love us?"

  I felt my heart crack. "Of course I love you! I've always had, and always will! No matter what!"

  "KayKay too?"

  "KayKay too! Even if she's a Grumpy Butt. I still love her. I'm taking care of you too, and I have to love you, or else you'll hate me!"

  Charlize gave me a faint smile. "I think KayKay likes you. Atleast a little. And, I love you too."

  My eyes watered, and I tried to hide them. Charlize said she loves me. She actually loves me. I was so happy. These things I'm doing for Charlize has finally paid off. Now, I just need to work on Kaelynn.

A/N: Charlize's Birthday Outfit. I kind've had trouble writing this. Considering I was writing this in school. XD

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