Why The Heck Does She Smile So Much?

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

              Last night was Charlize's dance concert, and she shined like a star! Even though it was a group-type thing. Her smile was contagious, I swear! Because me and Ciara were smiling so hard, people would've thought we were plastic dolls. Afterwards, we went out for icecream.

Tonight was my dance concert, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was freaking out. I had to dance in front of all those people. And it was a huge chunk of my final grade! Lord, please don't make me screw anything up or do something stupid.

"Hey. You okay?" Jaira asked me.

I looked at her and put on a false smile. "Yep. I am so okay."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "What's wrong?"

Crap. She can read me like a book. Jaira and I have gotten closer to each other, and we see each other a lot. Basically, I can call her and the twins my best friends.

"Well...I'm kind've nervous," I said, truthfully.

"Don't be! You weren't nervous when you danced in the streets all those times after school!"

True. I felt like I was on top of the world. Even though there were only like around twenty people watching me. This time, there's like maybe sixty or seventy people watching us. And if I make a single wrong move, everyone will know.

"And calm down," Jaira continued. "It's only the foundations level. Them people won't expect a lot from you. If you mess up, don't show it. Try to put it in a move and redeem yourself. Okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah okay."

When we finished dressing for our first dance, we had to get on stage. Blast it all! Why did the lowest level have to go first? Behind the curtains in front of the stage, we had a little light on so we could find our spots. I heard our dance teacher talk about how hard we prepared, and how good we were in class, yada yada yada. I took a quick look behind me, at Jaira, and smiled. She gave me a reassuring smile before I turned back around.

Our teacher introduced us, and clapping started up. Then they died down, along with the lights. I felt my heart beat faster as everything went to pitch black. The curtains made a little noise or two as they pushed back to reveal some phone screens as people flashed their lights to look at us. Pretty soon the stage lights shined on us and the music started up, which meant our concert had begun.

Right away, I spotted Ciara and Charlize. It wasn't hard to spot Char, because of her hair. They were smiling at me. Ciara even gave me a little wave. I couldn't wave back because there were no waves in my choreography. But I smiled at them to know I see them. They sat in the front row, to my left. And, I wasn't nervous anymore. I danced to my heart's content, because I knew my loved ones were watching. No, I don't love Ciara, yet. I really like her, a lot. She has been such an amazing person, I have no reason not to. She broke down my barriers. I can trust her with my life now. Atleast, I think I can.


"KayKay, you were amazingly awesome!" Charlize shouted, hugging me tight.

The concert was over, and I had been looking for her and Ciara. Obviously, they found me first, 'cause Char almost gave me a heart attack. Ciara was behind her laughing at my face. Well, my expression on my face.

"Don't scare me like that!" I said, clutching my chest. Charlize just giggled and grasped my hand. Then, we manuvered ourselves through the crowd to find the exit.

Finally, after dodging people and thanking some for congradulating me on my performance, we found the red 'Exit' sign. The three of us rushed out of the crowded building and into Ciara's truck. Once it was started up, we drove out of the parking lot, which had people flooding out and to their cars.

"So, where do you want to go to celebrate, Kaelynn?" Ciara asked me, driving.

I mentally went through all the places that I have seen in this part of L.A. I got to a restraunt that sounded classy, but (according to Tam) wasn't that expensive. "How about Basil's?" I suggested.

"Basil's it is!"


The food there was indescribable. It was so freaking tasty, and so big I felt like I was going to bust. The saying 'You get what you pay' was appropiate for that place. I swear, the burgers were the size of your head!

Now we were driving back to the house, full and content. A comfortable silence hung over us, mostly because Char was asleep. Her mouth hung open and a bit of drool was hanging out, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Soon we were home, and I had to wake my sister. Ciara was out the truck already, leaving me with my drooling sister. I shook Char roughly. It may sound mean, but trust me, when you have a sister that sleeps as heavily as Charlize, you got to do these kind of things.

Charlize abruptly sat up, yawning. "Heh--huh--what?" She said, causing me to laugh once again. She stretched her muscles like a cat before giving me a sleepy smile.

"Are you girls coming?" Ciara shouted. She was at the front door, and her dogs were out and about in the front yard.

"Yeah, hold on!" I called back, then climbed over Char and out the car. She stumbled out, and almost fell. Which sent me into another laughing fit. I swear, if you saw me, you would've thought I was either crazy, drunk, or high! The two of us went to the house, and passed a smiling Ciara.

"You alright?" She asked me. "You were laughing a lot tonight."

I grinned like an idiot. "If you're asking if I'm high, then maybe. Or drunk. That tea didn't really taste like tea, to me."

Ciara laughed at what I said. "That's because you squeezed your lemon then dropped the whole thing in it."

"Oh. Oops."

She laughed once again, then smiled. "Well, you must be tired. Go ahead and take a shower. We'll talk more later."

With that, I went past her and up the stairs to my room. I got out a nightshirt and short shorts, and carried them with me into the bathroom closest to my room. Tonight was one of the best nights I had in a very long time, and I replayed the events in my head over and over. But there was one thing about Ciara that I was curious about.

Why the heck does she smile so much?

A/N: Ciara's many beautiful smiles. And a video of Char and Kaelynn dancing. I think it's cute how KayKay messes with Char's hair in it. XD Kind of a filler, I guess.

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