She Wants To Kill Us

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

School was finally out, and we can enjoy our eventful summer at last! The day after we got out of school, Ciara told us to pack our bags, because we were going to the first destination. She didn't tell us where it would be at, but said to bring comfy clothes. And that we were flying there! Char and I have never been on an airplane before!

Ciara made sure we had no idea where we were going, because she actually blind folded us! We had to trust her hands on our shoulders to not bump or fall into anything. Now, we're on the plane, Char was asking Ciara a billion questions about where we were going. Apparently, her head is too thick to grasp the fact that we weren't going to know anytime soon. I, on the other hand, was on my ipad, playing Temple Run. I wasn't playing when I said it was addictive!

Lucky for me, I had the window seat, so I could daydream about the pretty clouds whenever I lost a game. You can't understand the feeling you get at the sight unless you have been on an airplane. Words can't describe it.

"Come on, pleeeeease? Just give me a letter!" Char pleaded, leaning into the woman and giving her puppy-eyes.

"Fine!" Ciara said.

Char sat up straight, as if she accomplished something. "Tell me!"

"It has a...vowel in it!"


"Shhhh!" The surrounding passengers hissed. I chuckled quietly, and started a new game.

Char turned to look at me. "Oh, shut up, KayKay!"

"What?" I put on my most innocent face.

"Stop laughing at me! That WASN'T funny!"

"Shhhhhh!" Even more people was telling us to be quiet.

I died again, and furrowed my eyebrows as I started a new game, again. Out the corner of my eye, I saw my sister watching my every move. It was distracting me, and I had tripped over a root. I just knew she has trying to trick me or something, I just knew it! Just as I got to a corner that I had to turn left, Char yelled, "Turn right!"

On instinct, I swiped right, resulting in my death. "OH MY GOSH, CHAR SHUT UP!" I hollered, as she had a smug look on her face.

"SHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Now our whole section was telling me to shut up.


"And, we're here!" Ciara exclaimed, throwing her arms up.

After we had checked in the hotel and dropped our belongings off, Ciara drove us to the place we were actually visiting. But, we couldn't stay for long, because of the jet lag that was bound tp take it's toll on us. And all we saw was...plants. Green plants everywhere. Like we were in the jungle.

"Don't tell me we came here to see a jungle," I said.

Ciara sighed and let her arms fall. "No, Kaelynn. It's what's in the jungle that we came to see!"

"And what is in the jungle?"

"You will find out tomorrow! For now, lets get some rest!"

The three of us climbed back in the car we rented, then drove back to the hotel we were staying at. I kept imagining what could be back there, behind the explosion of green. Of course, there had to be tigers, and monkeys, and snakes, and huge bugs, and poisonous things, and...WHY THE HECK DID SHE BRING US HERE?!? Okay, she hates us and she wants to kill us. Great.

But, when we came back the next day, I was totally wrong. Ciara had told us to bring towels and extra clothes, just in case. Once we pushed pass the huge, green shrubbery, Char and I followed Ciara on a journey that seemed to take forever. But, I liked it. We pointed out things we saw, like trer frogs, and small snakes, and a few insects. Luckily, we had insect repellant on. No itchy bug bites tonight!

Ciara marched confidently around the trees, and I wondered if she even knew where we're going. Then, we stopped in front of a wall of greenness, like the entrance.

"Are you girls ready?" Ciara asked, positioning her hands inside the multiple green plants, and looking at us.

We both nodded.

"Voliá!" Ciara said, pulling her hands apart, and the sight made us gasp. A waterfall cascaded down into a wide river, and the area seemed enclosed with the plant wall. Ciara motioned for us to climb through, and then the three of us was in the green room with the quiet waterfall.

"It's so beautiful," I breathed, bending down and peering inside. Loads of small fish were making their way by, and I reached in to touch one. They felt so slim and smooth, and a couple bumped into my hand, causing me to laugh. I turned my head to see Char's face only an inch away from the water. I decided to pay her back for what happened on the plane yesterday.

"CHAR!" I screamed.

Charlize unintentionally dunked her head in the water a quick sec before pulling it out and wiping her face. Ciara and I were in hysterics as Char looked irritated. Not only was her face wet, but half of her curly hair was too.

"Payback!" I shrieked, because I was still laughing. Ciara was lying down on the edge of the river, her mouth wide open, with no sound coming out. I pointed at her,laughing even harder, and Char started to laugh once she took a look at the woman on the ground.

Suddenly, Char had a look on her face that I recognize immediately. She had an idea. I watched in amusement as Char quietly snuck behind the still-laughing Ciara, and put her pointer finger to her lips, signalling for me to be quiet. Then, she pushed the woman in the water. The way she was trying to catch herself was hilarious, and I laughed even louder. Tears appeared in the corners of my eyes as I saw Ciara push the wet hair from her face. She gave us glares, then grabbed Char's arm and forced her in the water. My laughs grew louder, and I struggled to breathe. By now, I was on the ground, a foot or two away from the edge, because I wasn't stupid, and I knew one of them would pull me in.

"That's not funny!" Char shouted, pushing her ruined hair out of her face.

"It so is!" I countered, sitting up straight with my legs crossed. My laughs demoted to giggles, and I watched Char try to stay a float, because she couldn't swim.

"Well, I'm lucky I brought a swimsuit," Ciara said, peeling off her clothes and throwing them into the grass.

"That's not far!" Char said, crossing her arms.

Ciara just chuckled before diving into the water. Char groaned as she sat on the riverbank, and took her shoes and socks off. I did the same, and let my feet sit in the water. It felt nice and cool, especially since today was hot. Some fish swam across my feet, and I giggled.

Ciara's head popped out of the water a few yards to the right of me, closer to Char. "Why'd you get out?"

"Cause I'm soaking wet!"

"You have extra clothes! Now come on!"

Charlize was in her underclothes, with her t-shirt still on. She slipped back into the water, staying close to the bank. "This isn't fair! I can't swim!"

I kept my eyes on the water, just in case that woman tries to pull me in by my legs. "You should've not pushed her in there the first place!"

"But it was your fault! You tricked me!"

"No, it was yours. You remember what happened on the plane, right?"

Char mumbled an incoherant response, then laid her chin on her folded arms on the bank. I started to laugh, but it was cut short by my back hitting the ground, and me sliding down into the water. I screamed in surprise until my body was completely submerged underwater. My eyes were screwed shut, and I held my mouth closed, not breathing at all. I felt a tap on my shoulder, then squinted my eyes to see Ciara waving at me. The first thought in my head soooo stupid, and it was 'Are we dead?'

A/N: Update at last! I know you were all waiting for the day when the story would actually fit the summary! Soooo, this book might be longer than I expected. Sorry for those who wanted it to be short and sweet. Buuuuuut, it isn't. I already have the ending set up an everything, and you guys might hate me. XD
So, thanks for the votes, peeps! Check out my other stories, if you want.
There's their outfits and the place they are. I think this is my most successful book. Over 80 votes and over 1k reads? AMAZING!
Love you guys!

FlavahzNation Forever!

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