Mr. and Mrs. Brian

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Ciara's P.O.V.

                    My mood has been all giddy ever since that night, which was two weeks ago. And I noticed a difference in Kaelynn during that period of time. She seemed to be...happier. She's starting to actually trust me. Something I've wanted from her for so long. And I'm actually getting it. That's the cause of my giddy behavior. Which had inspired me to write a song.

"Ciara, you're more like a child than I am!" Charlize giggled, watching me skip around the couch she was sitting on.

"No way!" I stopped in front if her, and placed my hands on my hips. "You're the most childish child I have ever met!"

Charlize shook her head. "Whatever you say. Hey, when are we going back in town?"

Our next little adventure is to explore the city of Los Angeles. Since I'm an artist, I haven't really got a lot of information and knowledge of the place I live. And, I'm going to learn it along with my kids, since they haven't really went out with that orphanage.

"In a bit. We're just WAITING FOR KAELYNN!" I shouted the last part, so Kaelynn would hurry up and get her butt down here. Ugh. Teenagers. Teenage girls, to be exact.

"Hold onnnnnnn!" Kaelynn groaned from her room. Or bathroom. Whichever.

"Never be like your sister when you get older," I told Charlize, getting my purse and keys. She nodded in response.

A few seconds later, we heard the thumping of shoes on the stairs, and looked to see Kaelynn finally ready. She wore something not so extravagant, but it wasn't shabby. It looked fairly comfy, especially her dress pants. I looked over at Char and smiled at her outfit. It looked cutesy and comfy. And she picked it out herself.

"You ready, Miss Take-Forever-To-Do-Her-Hair?" I teased, opening the front door.

"Joke all you want," Kaelynn said, walking out of the door. "You know I look good."

"Oh! Kaelynn got jokes! She thinks she's funny!"

Char shook her head at our stupid jokes. "I'm gonna pretend I don't know y'all," she stated, sliding into the black truck.

"WAAAAAAAAAAH!" I fake-cried, locking the front door and climbing into the driver's seat. Kaelynn was hysterically laughing, and Charlize was acting like I didn't exist. Oh, I see how she is.

"Kaelynn, I think we should get ice cream when we get there. You want some?" I asked, beginning to drive.

Char's head spun around to face me. "I WANT SOME!"

I gave her a 'You talking to me?' look. "You do? I thought you didn't know me? You can't be taking things from strangers, little girl."

"Oh, come on, Ciara!"

I falsely gasped. "How do you know my name? Are you psychic?"

"Ciiiiiiaaaaaraaaaaaa!" Char groaned. She sounded just like Kaelynn. A teenager. My baby is growing up so fast! Wait, NO!

"Kaelynn, I think this girl got into the wrong car. We need to drop her off at the highway."

"WHAT?!?" Char screeched, and I could hear Kaelynn's snickers in the backseat.

"Yep. Sorry, we don't take hitchhikers." I stomped on the brakes, stopping on the two-lane road. "Get out."

The look on her face was priceless. "Really?" She asked.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you!" And with that, I kept kn driving to the city.


The sky was a violent shade of pink when we decided to sit down and grab dinner. Which was at a pizza place that had nonlactose cheese.

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