Being Really Upset

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

Char's been in her coma for almost a month. She's been transferred to a hospital back in L.A. so I could go to school. Yes, Ciara made me go to school, even though I put a up a fight (not physically). Instead, she's stayed at Char's side, waiting for her to awake from her sleep. Every time I could get a chance, with Dance Team rehearsals and all, I would be there with them, and we would talk to Char. I would talk about how my day has been, and we both would talk about how we want her to wake up and remember us, and lets just say a few tears were shed. (A/N: Anybody know the movie this line was said? Correct guess gets... votes???) But, since this wasn't a fairytale, she didn't open her eyes on command.

Her friends, Camren and Angel, have been worried about her also. They came to visit her a few times, but couldn't stay long because they had things to do, so they say. There were flowers by her bedside, which Ciara replaces when each new vase-full gets old and wilted, cards, balloons, and even sweets that were a gift from Camren and her mom. Ciara's parents came down from Georgia to see us. I wasn't really fond of her dad, because he kept giving us the 'stink eye' when he thought we weren't looking. But, I like her mom, a lot. She gave us bone-crushing hugs, which I oddly like, and would tell us embarassing stories of Ciara when she was younger, leaving Ciara redder than a cherry.

A month after that day, here we are, still awaiting for my little sister to open her eyes again. She wasn't dead, thank God, because the heart monitor showed her slow, steady heart beats. But, she was unnaturally pale. Her skin felt cold and clammy, and there wasn't a usual smile on her face. I like her smiles. They light up the whole room.

I looked over to Ciara, who was stroking Char's curly hair. She looked genuinely sad, which surprised me. How could she be sad over someone she has only known for a few months? That thought just astonded me, and I couldn't even answer it. I fumbled with Char's fingers, looking at her chipping nail polish. Why couldn't she just wake up?

Ciara's phone buzzed, and she took it out of her pocket and just answered it. "Hello?"

I kept my eyes trained on my sister. I didn't want to be an eavesdropper, because I hated them people. But, she was right beside me, so it was hard not to listen.

"Yes, I know that this is bad for me career...So? I care about her! I can't just..." Ciara sighed then stood up and faced me. "Kaelynn, I'll be right back. Just stay here, okay?"

I'm not five. I know what to do. I just nodded, and she gave me a quick smile before exiting the room. That reminded me of when she left the room with that Dr. Kent, which I thought was suspicious. What did she not want me to know? I mean, Char is my sister, I should know all these things about her, because for all I know, we have no other relatives. We're on our own. Nobody to call family. That day has been going through my mind a lot. Maybe I should ask her? Weirdly, the thought of asking her kind've scared me. What if she's hiding something horrorific about Char, like she's dying?

About ten minutes later, Ciara came back, looking more tired than when she had left. Her hair was messier, and her make-up was a but smeared. Her eyes were red, as if she was crying. I hid my frown as she gave me a smile. I don't like seeing her like this, I concluded to myself. She seems like a great person, and she doesn't deserve this, neither does Char.

"Are you okay?" I found myself asking.

"Yeah. Just a little upset about all of this." She sat down in her chair, and sighed.

Liar. She wasn't 'a little upset' about this. She was really upset.

Should I ask her about that day? It might not be the wisest, but I have to know or I may never will. I turned my body to face hers, and messed with my fingers. "Uh, Ciara?"

Her brown eyes looked at me, and I felt my heart hurt. "Yes?"

Now, I didn't want to ask, but I already started. Might as well finish it. "Y-you know the day Chat know, gotten ill? And the doctor had to say something, h-had,um, went outside? Yeah...uh, why did you d-do that?"

Why the heck was I so nervous? I basically just sounded like a huge idiot. Studdering, and pausing...Wow, KayKay. Way to sound strong. But, gratefully, she understood what the heck I was uttering. She looked...sorry? Her hand was rubbing the back of her neck, and she bit her bottom lip.

"Look, Kaelynn...I have something to tell you..." Ciara sighed again as she ran her hand through her blonde hair.

I waited for her to speak again. I can see the gears in her head turning as she tried to form an answer.

"...But, I have to tell you when Charlize is awake," she finished, making me internally groan.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

She shook her head slowly. "'s really just...shocking, to say the least."

I know this is weird and irrelevant, but I like the way she talks. She talks like she has actually been to a proper school. Most of the people that took care of us didn't even have proper grammar, which got on my nerves sooo freaking much. And she has a nice voice. It's not squeaky, and she doesn't have a smoker's voice, which meant a lot to me. Her voice is soothing and sort of, in a way, relaxing.

I knitted my eyebrows as I tried to make sense of it. What is it that's shocking?

"What's shocking?" I asked.

Ciara's mouth formed into a tight line, and she looked uncomfortable. But, I needed answers. "I have to tell you and Char at the same time...It's...very important."

A/N: A random picture of Char. You gotta love that hair!

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