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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

"Hello, I'm here to adopt Kaelynn and Charlize."

No no no no no NO! No way! There is no way am I going with a random stranger. Heck to the naw! She is not taking me or Char. We are staying here until I turn into an "adult". Usually, kids would want to leave as soon as possible, but not me. Uh-uh! Nope!

The woman had a short, blonde hair, and wore a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. Sunglasses hid her face, which was about my skin tone. Her skin, not her sunglasses. She was really tall. Super tall. And she wasn't wearing heels. Just sneakers.

I hated her. Just from looking at her, I hated her. The way she walked, the way she talked, everything. How dare she think she could just say "I'm here to adopt so and so..." and think she can get what she wants!

"There you go! Just sign that line, and they'll be all yours," Rachel, the manager of the center, said in a sweet voice. I never liked her. She was the main one always trying to get us out of here, hence the thirteen in and outs. She was never fond of us either.

"I can't go with her!" I exclaimed to the girl beside me, whose name was Summer. She was our...friend, you could say, Char and I's.

"Trust me, if I was in your spot, I would gladly go," she groaned, glancing at the woman before her eyes went back to the tv.

Charlize was in the kitchen, cleaning up, so she doesn't know about any of this. So, maybe we could run away tonight, since we would be leaving tomorrow.

"Great! You can take them home today!"

Crap. There goes my plan.

Rachel points at me, and I see the woman walking towards me, a smile on her face. I quickly faced the tv, hoping that she didn't come over here. What a stupid hope. Because she sat right in front of me and took her sunglasses off.

Her brown eyes bore into my own, and I tried to look away, but just couldn't. It was like some unknown force was keeping our eyes locked. There was something about her. As if there was some connection. Deep, deep, deep, deep down. I didn't like this one bit.

"Hello, Kaelynn," the woman said, smiling at me. She had a beautiful smile. No, KayKay! Stop thinking like that!

"Hey," I answered. I was not in a mood for any conversation, and I think she knows that. But, she doesn't care. Or is really stubborn.

"I am adopting you today! Aren't you excited?"

"No," I said coldly. Nice touch, Kay.

Her smile faltered. Then she replaced it. "I'm Ciara Harris. And, if I'm correct, you have a little sister by the name of Charlize."

My eyes narrowed at her words. "Yeah, so what?"

Ciara tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. "I was just going to say that I wanted to meet her. To get to know you two."

She was nervous. About my behavior, no doubt. I was not a difficult person. Uhhh, yeah, I was.

I rolled my eyes. "She's in the kitchen, cleaning. She'll be out in a little bit."

A smile was her response, and we waited for my sister to come out. "You're really beautiful, Kaelynn."

A blush crept into my cheeks. Nobody's ever said that to me, which was nice. No, KayKay! It's a trap! Don't give into it!

Instead of muttering out a "thanks" like a dumb little mushy girl, I let out a chuckle. "Sure."

"That's her, KayKay?"

I turned to see Charlize standing there with soapy hands. She was looking at me and Ciara, back and forth. Apparently, somebody told her.

"Yes, Char. That's her," I confirmed.

She slowly walked over to us, the bubbles on her hands dripping unto the wooden floor. Her eyes were on Ciara, like I was doing earlier, I bet. She sat down next to me, and I wrapped an arm around her. Char just couldn't look away, and I wonder what her reason was.

"Hello, Charlize," Ciara said politely. "I'm Ciara Harris, the one adopting you and your sister today."

I took a mental note of her smooth talking. By the way she spoke, she could be lying and you wouldn't even know it. Better watch out for it.

"You're really pretty," Charlize said all of a sudden.

Ciara's smile grew wider. "Oh my gosh, thank you, Gorgeous!"

Charlize blushed and my eyes widened. What the freak?!? Here that lady was, making my little sister get caught up in her trans! I wanted to hurt that woman so bad, but I had to keep my cool. For my sister.

After they said some things to each other, Char and I went to pack up our things. She seemed brighter than before. Happier. She actually smiled. She never smiled when we were leaving this place! I didn't know much about this woman, but I was sure that my sister liked her.

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