Tam's Talk

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Kaelynn's P.O.V.

Two months havd passed, and Char's still in that stupid coma. And that has caused me to be unlike myself a lot lately. I've been a little snappy towards my friends, my grades have sloped down a bit, and I haven't been out with ny friends much. They've become worried about me, but I just brush off their concerns like lint on a sweater. I haven't really told them about Char's situation, so...DON'T BLAME ME!

"Kaelynn, you need to bring your grades up," Ciara said. "This is unacceptable. I know you're devastated about Char, but you have to keep your grades up. You don't see me not going to...Well, my situation is different! What I'm trying to say is, bring your grades back up. Okay?"

I nodded, then sighed. "Yeah, sorry. I'll bring them up."

Not. All that's on my mind is Char and what Ciara has to tell us. It has no room to learn new things, or even remember past things. This was pretty much affecting my life.

Ciara was now out to take a call, and I sat beside Char. While I was talking to her about my horrible grades, my phone rung. I slid it out of my pocket and frowned. Nobody has really called me; I've mainly recieved texts. It was Tamara.

"Hello?" I answered.

"KayKay. We need to talk," Tam said, all seriousness in her voice.

"Okay. About what?"

"Your behavior. You have been out of yourself lately, Kaelynn. I can see it in Dance Team practice. You seem so...lifeless."

I sucked in a breath. Bad wording on her part.

"Kay, I just want to know what's wrong. Is it something at home? Is it us? Are you homesick?"

I bit my lip. The main reason I haven't told any of my friends is because I don't want any sympathy just because my sister is in a coma. I don't want people to feel sorry for me or treat me any different. Which, now that I think about it, is pretty stupid. I've told them that my parents are dead. How worse can it get?

So, I told Tam about what happened on New Year's Eve, and Charlize being in a coma and all. And I pleaded for her to not treating me any different, like I did when I told them about my orphan life. She complied, saying she promised.

"So, don't mention this to the other girls. I want to tell them. Okay?"

Tamara sucked in a big breath. "Uhhhh...Ti may also know. You're on speaker phone. Sorry."

"No, it's okay. Atleast she's heard me say it."

There was some noises, and a "Hurry up" from Tam.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"We're coming to see you and Charlize."

My eyes widened. "Oh nononononono! You don't have to do that--"

"We do, and we will. Ti and I will be there in ten."

"But, you--"

The line was dead. Of course they were coming here for me. They care about me so much, and will be there if there's something wrong with me. Even when I got sick they had came and brought me juice to make me feel better. It's like I'm a fragile flower, and they would do anything to keep me standing tall and strong. Despite the fact that I'm not physically that tall.

I hung up and just decided to wait for them to come. Once they've made up their minds, there's no changing them. Ciara came back, and judging by how stressed she looked, she had just spoke to her manager. The usual fake smile was flashed at me.

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