For My Brother ❌✖️

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The news hit hard, you were in shock, disbelief and denial. "You're lying. Tell me you're lying." You begged the doctor who sighed shaking his head.

"I'm afraid not. He's suffered some major injuries." You shook your head at his words. "No he's young he's healthy." You tried to convince yourself that your baby brother would be okay.

"I'm sorry miss." He sat down next to you with a hand on your shoulder. All you wanted was a hug from Taylor but she wasn't here, she was in a plane three hours away.

After a while the doctor left leaving you to yourself. You paced the halls and after an hour of freaking out you threw up then had to sit down amd somehow you fell asleep again.

Taylor ran off the plane getting in her car chasing to the hospital. She got to the hospital parking and running inside straight to the front desk asking for your brothers room.

When she got the room number she ran up the stairs taking two stairs at a time. She finally got to your floor rushing down the hall spotting you. She walked up to you immediately seeing how sick you looked.

Sweat was dripping down your face, your skin had a yellow tone and you had a frown on your face. Kneeling down in front of you she put a hand on your knee making you jerk up wide awake.

"I'm sorry." Taylor offered a small smile. "Taylor." You sighed relieved as you threw your arms around her neck pulling her into a much needed hug. She wrapped her arms around your waist as you clung to her sobbing into her shoulder.

And like that she held you until you fell asleep again. She sat next to you letting you lay your head on her shoulder. When another two hours passed Taylor stood up stretching her stiff limbs. She turned to you seeing the spaced out look on your face.

"I'll be right back. Want anything?" Taylor asked but you didn't answer you just shook your head. "Okay I'll be quick. Love you." She kissed your cheek and you looked up at her. "I love you too." You managed a small smile as she kissed your head before walking to get herself coffee.

"Miss L/n?" Standing up you saw the doctor approaching. You stood up gesturing at him to continue. "I'm afraid that he might not make it. We're doing everything we can the best we can hope for is for him to pull through the night." You nodded as he walked away.

You decided on calling your parents even if they were never really parents to you and your brother. You had to call twice for them to pick up the phone.

"What?" You heard your mother.

"Mother." You almost grumbled just hearing how drunk she is. "What?" She asked again.

"Your son is in the hospital." You bit your cheek hard enough for a metallic taste to cover your tongue.

"What did he do now?" Your father yelled in the background.

"He got hit by a car." You bit right through the flesh making you groan now biting your lips.

"He was always careless." Your mother muttered.

"You two are the careless assholes. Your son is in the hospital." You felt tears streaming down your face.

"You're both drunk and high off your asses and you never cared about your children. My brother might die tonight and you're out having fun not giving a fuck about your children." You managed to bite hard enough to draw blood from lip just to keep yourself from crying.

"What must we do? It's not our fault." Your father said making you scoff.

"Neither mine but I'm still here!" You now yelled not caring about the looks the nurses gave you.

"I've always been here for my brother! I've had to pay you to keep him out of your toxic hands! You're fucking horrible parents! You don't deserve kids!" You yelled with blury vision and a bloody mouth.

"That's no way to talk to your parents." Your mom slurred making you yell in frustration.

"Fuck both of you!" You yelled so frustrated that you threw your phone on the floor breaking it into millions of pieces.

You gripped at your hair tugging that's when you lost your cool punching a wall gritting your teeth in anger. You yelled through gritted teeth hitting the wall again.

You were so caught up in your emotions you didn't see Taylor coming around the corner. She frowned when she saw the broken phone and gasped when you hit the the wall.

She ran over to you as you went for another swing but she stopped you as she threw her arms around you lifting you and turning you away from the wall creating distance. "Let go of me." You cried flailing your arms.

She managed to turn you towards her and trap you in a hug. "Hey shh don't." You tried to push away from her but she had a firm grip and wasn't planning on letting go.

"Let me go!" You cried and she just rested her chin on your head holding you close. "Y/n, I'm not leaving. Please just let me hold you." You could hear the heartbreak in her voice.

You stopped fighting against her giving in to the numbness taking over. "I can't lose him." You cried into her chest gripping at her hoodie ignoring the pain from your aching hand. "I know. And I also know he's strong." Taylor said rubbing your back while gently swaying you both.

You cried yourself alseep in her arms and with you on her lap she sat on the chair letting you rest your head on her shoulder as you slept in her arms.

She couldn't sleep, all she could do was hope and pray for the best.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now