❕Toxic Relatives ❌✖️

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You have been dating Taylor for a year and a half. You were extremely happy with her, you were both loyal and in love. You've never been happier in your entire life and you hoped that nothing would ruin it.

You laid on the king sized bed wrapped up in Taylor's arms with your legs entangled. You were watching cat videos when she paused and spoke up.

"Baby girl." She called you making you smile loving when she called you that. "Yeah babe?" You leaned back to look up at her.

"I was just thinking." She started. "That's what that noise was." You teased making her giggle and nudge you.

"But for real now." Taylor said and you nodded listening intently. "You've met my friends, family and even my cats..." She trailed off knowing you knew where she was taking this but you didn't show it.

"And I'm very grateful because I'm your friend's favorite and Meredith sleeps on my side of the bed with me." You smiled when she giggled.

"I'm serious."

"Me too. Meredith is a excellent cuddle buddy." You shrugged making Taylor laugh.

"Then why don't you ask her to come hold you?" Taylor asked unwrapping her arms making you cling onto her noww laying ontop of her. "I never said she's a great big spoon." You spoke into Taylor's neck causing goosebumps to rise on her skin.

"But for real now baby I've never met your family. I don't even know their names." Taylor said and you could hear she was upset about it.

"That's not true." You said. "You know my sister's name." You could feel her sighing heavily.

"I just it bothers me, you know?" You lifted yourself to see Taylor with glossy eyes. "No please don't." You got off her sitting next to her hugging her when she sat upright.

"Are you ashamed of me?" Taylor asked the fact that she would even think that broke your heart. "No Taylor not at all." You assured her while cupping her soft cheek.

"Then what is it?" Taylor asked making you sigh. "I'm ashamed of them." You said feeling like you just wanted to disappear to where no one knew you.

"How bad can they be?" Taylor asked lifting your chin so that you'd look up at her. "Don't underestimate them." You almost grumbled.

"But I know your one sister's name, why haven't I seen or met her? For I know she's not real." Taylor said making you sniff and look up at her.

"You don't trust me?" You asked making her panic. "What? No of course I do! I trust you with my everything. I just feel like there's a big part of you I don't know about because I don't know your family." Taylor said honestly and her words cut deep.

It wasn't fair towards her but anyone wouldn't want the love of their life to meet their family if their family was-




"I think someone's at the door." Taylor said as we got up from my bed and rushed downstairs.

The knocking just grew worse making you groan annoyed. "I'm on my way!" You yelled grabbing your keys rushing to the front door. Before opening you looked into the driveway and saw a baby blue Chevy making your stomach turn.

You opened the door just a bit enough so you could glare at the person in front of your door. "What the fuck are you doing here?" You asked in a hushed voice.

"Baby girl, who is it?" Taylor's voice made you panic. "Um it's Rachel from down the street." You quickly said knowing Taylor wasn't fond of her.

"Oh." She mumbled uninterested.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now