Jenny Darling Is Taylor Darling ❎

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[AN: I wrote this instead of sleeping. So sorry]

You walked through the crowd while clinging onto Cara who easily weaved through the crowd, graceful and fast.

"Move you bloke!" Cara yelled over the music startling a drunk man who actually fell over.

Maybe not as graceful as you thought.

When she stopped you sighed relieved as she pulled you closer to stand next to her. "Welcome to the VIP part of the bar." Cara said gesturing around.

It wasn't much as first glance but at the second glance it was everything. "Wow." Selena Gomez, Martha Hunt and even Gigi Hadid were all sat around a table laughing with each other.

"You brought me to meet them?" You asked looking at your British best friend. "Yup." She walked over to them but you pulled her back next to you.

"Are you crazy? I cannot just walk over there." You failed your arms nervous just thinking about how big a fool you could make of yourself.

"Yes you can."

"No I can't."

"Why can't you?"

"Look at them Cara, they're all dressed casually yet comfortably but look so beautiful and I'm in jeans and Nikes." You said making the Brit sigh.

"Fine." She waved and a moment later a tall beautiful blonde appeared in front of you.

"Helloo." She sang hugging Cara then turned to you. Taylor Swift?!

"Are you really Taylor Swift?" You asked when she stood closer to hear you talk. She giggled before putting hand on your shoulder leaning closer to talk into your ear. "No, I'm Jenny darling."

You frowned looking at the blonde who winked at you making you laugh. You stood on your toes while holding onto her shoulder. "I'm Y/n darling." You spoke into her ear and when she pulled back she looked at you.

"Want a drink?" You asked making Taylor smile and nod. "I'm going to stand outback." She pointed over her shoulder and you nodded before leaving to get the drinks.

-two years later-

"Up next we have a young woman who's managed to win over everyones hearts with her music and steal many hearts with her charm."

You heard the hosts making you pace your dressing room faster.

"I can't get her to calm down." Selena said still running high on her own adrenaline from being on stage moments ago.

"I got this." Taylor assured making her way over to you as Selena walked out.

"Tay, I can't do this." You panicked waving your hands in attempt to cool yourself but she wasn't successful.

"You can." Taylor took your hands stopping you from your pacing.

"I can't there are so many queens and kings in the audience. Selena, Beyonce, Harry, Drake and you. You're out there too!" You panicked more.

"Y/n listen to me." Taylor cupped your cheeks making you look into her eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes that haunted your dreams.

"You are a great artist and a fantastic performer. You always give it an absolute hundred and thirteen percent and the crowd loves that. I love that. You are so passionate and you have the ability to pull a crowd together and honestly that's what music is about." Taylor got lost in your eyes rambling whatever came to mind and luckily it was making sense.

"You really think I a good performer?" You asked resisting the urge to look at her red lips. "Not good, fantastic." You couldn't resist looking at her lips and when you looked up you saw her eyes had fallen to your lips too.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now