❕It's more than a summer thing: part 1 ❌✖️❎

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You were on your way to Rhode Island for your late summer vacation. You just finished matric a year later than the rest. You finished a year later because you ended up in the hospital for a year after you got into a car accident.

They told you that it's a miracle that you're alive and you were sure you had a handful of people to thank. The doctors and nurses. Your brother who called despite your unsupportive parents. Your best friend for skipping that year in school to support you through such a hard time and finishing a year later with you.

And Taylor Swift. You felt alone and lost but still her music served as your biggest comfort zone. After losing your family and being unable to see your brother it broke your heart to the core. But Taylor helped you to heal.

She even visited despite her busy schedule and she spent the day talking with you. You spoke like you knew each other your entire lives. You were just so comfortable around her.

Your best friend, Ashton said that Taylor was flirting with you but you insisted that she was just being friendly because every Swiftie knew that she was the kindest person on this planet.

"Are you even listening?" Ashton asked while he leaned forward in his seat to see your face. "What?" You asked glancing at him for a moment before looking back at the road.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asked. You knew why he was asking, you got a bit of brain damage because of the crash.

It wasn't that bad at least not on most days. You struggled with concentration and remembering new information. You got confused easily, noise scared you and when things got too busy it felt like your mind slowed down while you just felt overwhelmed. You couldn't switch between tasks and were forced to focus on one for much longer.

It got frustrating after a while. Some days were worse than others but you still didn't give up. Ashton had you move in just to help and keep an eye on you. He made sure to let you function and do your own things but when he saw that you needed help he always lend you a hand.

"I'm okay." You nodded and he smiled then pointed at a gas station next to the highway. "Remember our pit stop." He said knowing you didn't remember and you appreciated that he didn't get impatient with you despite being forgetful.

"Alright, do you want to try and get our snacks?" He asked and you nodded confidently. "Alright I'll be there in five." He said.

He made sure you still felt independent by having you do small tasks like getting groceries, washing dishes, do the laundry and fetching the mail.

It sounded stupid but it meant everything to you that he didn't baby you and tried to help you get back to your best self. You often forgot what to buy or where you were going and he always texted you to remind you or put a bunch of reminders on your phone when he knew he was going to have a busy day at work.

You walked into the little shop repeating the words, snacks and drinks. Just so you could remember what to get but when you saw the ice cream fridge you smiled walking straight to the ice cream.

When Ashton came into the shop to look for you he couldn't help but laugh when he saw you at the ice cream. He let you be so that he could quickly grab snacks and drinks. Once he had everything he walked over to you.

"Find what you like?" He asked and you hummed taking one for yourself. When you saw the snacks and drink in his hands you sighed. "I'm sorry." You apologised.

"No harm done." He smiled and shook his head then pointed at a popsicle. "I want that one." You smiled taking one for him. "Let's pay and hit the road." He said as you left to go pay.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now