Stay ❎

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[An: wrote this instead of sleeping]

You got home after a long day finding Taylor in the dining room on her laptop grumbling and typing hard on the keyboard.

"Hey you." You greeted putting your bag down smiling at her but she just grumbled.

"I'm guessing you had a rough day." You smiled amused at her little pout and frowny face. "You think?" She scoffed and you just smiled. You knew she was pouty when she was angry and you always thought it was adorable.

"I'm gonna make myself tea want something?" You asked and she sighed looking up at you. "Whatever." She shrugged returning her attention to the screen tapping the keys harder. "Careful not to break the keyboard." You giggled when she cursed under her breath.

You made coffee for her and tea for yourself. You walked back to Taylor giving her her coffee and a kiss on the cheek. You looked on the screen seeing her long email. "You spelt that wrong. And that." You pointed at the words until she grabbed your hand. "Stop." She didn't even look at you but you smiled kissing her temple.

"Don't worry." You walked to the kitchen grabbing your phone sending her the correct spelling of the few words you spotted that she spelled wrong. "Stop it!" Taylor called to you making you giggle.

"Just helping." You called back and she scoffed. "Don't need it." She called and you smirked walking back to the dining room.

"Are you sure?" You asked while searching for something on your phone. "Yes." She mumbled and you smirked sending her a dictionary link.

"Y/n!" She grabbed her phone throwing it at you. You ducked dodging the phone biting your tongue to stop your laugh walking up to your room when the door was closed you laughed.

Not surprising at all you had to sleep on the couch that night and you knew you deserved it. But you really liked teasing her and you knew she didn't take offense.

"Y/n?" You heard Taylor from the kitchen. "Yeah babe?" You called back putting your phone down. "We should talk about last night." She called and you nodded taking the football helmet beside the couch putting it on the couch walking into the kitchen.

"Okay let's talk." You said and when she turned to you she burst into laughter. When she stopped laughing she started talking.

"I'm sorry for throwing my phone." She said gesturing at you. "It's okay I kinda saw it coming." You shrugged and she frowned. "What?" She asked and you smiled.

"I think it's funny when your mad." You said and she shook her head but smiled. "You pushed my buttons on purpose?" She asked you nodded smiling.

"So we're okay?" Taylor asked and you nodded smiling. "Always." You winked and she hummed walking over to you taking off the helmet putting it on the counter cupping your cheeks.

"I love you." She smiled leaning in kissing your lips. You smiled pulling away looking into her blue eyes. "I love you too." You pulled her into a hug resting your head on her chest and she rested her chin on your head.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now