Freebie List 🔞❎

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You loved Taylor and you've been dating for two years now. Everyone supported you, those who mattered and your family absolutely adored her. And of course she took pride in that.

You were at Rhode Island for the fourth of July and everyone had fallen a sleep of passed out. You were in your and Taylor's room sitting with Cara and Taylor. You were best friends with Cara for fifteen years now, she was your absolute best mate.

"I'm gonna get some water. Want anything?" You asked and both shook their heads. You left to get water and when you returned you noticed Taylor staring.

"What?" You asked and she smiled. "I was on your freebie list." At her words you glared at Cara who just laughed standing up.

"Goodnight ladies." She disappeared out the door.

"I can't believe I was on your list." Taylor said and you hummed walking into the bathroom. "Me neither. I must've had low standards." At your words she gasped walking in behind you holding you close.

Leaning over so your lips brushed over hers you spoke. "What a pity." You nibbled her lip looking into her dark blue eyes. "A pity?" Taylor asked and you nodded.

"I really like it rough and good." You smirked when you saw her eyes grow darker. "I love it when you're a bad bad girl." At your words she swallowed.

She picked you up and sat you on the counter then put her hands on your knees pushing your legs open and putting her hands high up your inner thigh watching as you sucked in a breath.

She stood closer then leaned in her lips brushing over your neck. She stuck her tongue out licking your skin causing a shiver to run down your spine. She then sucked a bit before pressing your cheek against hers.

"Alluring." She flicked your earlobe with her tongue while moving her hand higher. Naturally you opened your legs more for her but she didn't advance. You scooted closer to the edge feeling her fingers brush of the fabric of your pants but she pulled away making you groan.

"Tay." You groaned and she just smirked. "Sorry I didn't think I was enough of a bad girl." She teased making you sigh. "You're a real bad girl. Will you love me now?" You asked and she just smirked.

"You're gonna make me beg." You sighed as she smirked and whispered.

"Desirable." You let your own hand press against where you needed her most but she grabbed your wrists staring at you with ocean blue eyes.

"I'm not going to touch you unless you beg." Her low and seductive voice made her so much hotter. "Fine." You grumbled. "I'm begging you to touch me." She didn't even blink she stayed silent.

"Please Tay just touch me." You tried again but she smirked. "And how do I do that?" She asked making you sigh sexually frustrated. "I don't know. Grab my chest, suck my nipple, finger me or eat me out. Just whatever do it." You groaned and she nodded.

Her fingers hooked into your sweats she then pulled your pants off leaving you in your undies. She slowly and gently pressed her hand on your heat but not hard enough. You closed your legs hoping to catch her close enough but she just pushed your legs open again.

Her fingers pushed against the fabric making you sigh. She could feel how wet you were. "So wet." She whispered in your ear nibbling on your lobe. "For you." You moaned your mind already turning into mush.

Without warning she slipped a finger in making your legs go numb and a dragged out moan fall from your lips. "Yes baby." You closed your eyes gripping onto her arm as she pumped and moved her finger inside you.

You were a moaning mess even more so knowing she's only started. You were close to exploding when she let her thrusts grow slower and slower making you crave more.

"I was so close." You moaned watching as she smirked. "Sorry should I stop?" You gripped onto her arm pushing her into you making you moan. "Don't you fucking dare." You said making her smirk.

She cupped your breast one hand massaging the left and her mouth focused on the right. You felt her tongue darting over your nipple making you moan uncontrollably.

Her love was like magic and it was enough to drive you insane. You gripped onto her hair pushing her closer again feeling like you'd come only for her to stop making you whine frustrated.

"You ready to come?" Taylor asked watching as the cum dripped from your entrance. She bent down hooking your legs over her shoulders then stood up making you tip back and knock half of the items off the counter.

"I'm ready." You said in a whimper feeling like you were ready to explode. "My good girl." Her hands traveled up your stomach cupping your chest making you moan out loud. You bit your lip in anticipation sighing with a moan when she blew your heat.

"Please just fuck me." You begged with a shakey voice grabbing her head pushing her closer.

"Scream for me baby girl." You loved screaming her name but you weren't alone.

"Tay our friends are-" Your words were replaced by a moan.

"Scream my name." Taylor said and before you could protest she grabbed your wrist in one hand while she used her other hand to massage the bundle of nerves and when she entered her tongue it sent you over the edge.

You screamed as loud as you could through the moans and groans. Taylor kept eating you out making sure to clean you out and help you ride out your high. You came a few more times before you laid back on the cold counter drained and satisfied.

Taylor picked you up bridal style carrying your naked body to bed. She laid you down then laid down next to you. You turned to face her running a hand over her chest.

She sighed but grabbed your hand stopping you. "Come on babe. You took such good care of me." You said and she sighed.

"I'm good thank you baby girl." Despite her protest you slipped a hand down between her legs making her gasp and consciously spread her legs.

"You're so wet." You whispered and she just closed her eyes humming. Getting up you sat between her legs letting her legs wrap around you.

"Your pleasure is mine." At her words you smiled loving her even more. "To pleasure you is mine." You said slipping a hand under her panty making her let out a long moan.

"Oh yes baby girl." Taylor moaned as you pulled off her underwear throwing it aside.

You entered a finger making her gasp and arch her back craving more. You pumped two fingers in and out before adding a third making Taylor turn to mush when you started rubbing her bundle of nerves.

Unlike Taylor you didn't always tease unless you knew she wanted it and right now she didn't want it but you just couldn't resist.

"Baby. I'm really close." At her words you pulled your hande out making her groan and arch her back. "Y/n!" She whined making you smile as you licked your fingers clean.

"Yes babe?" You asked and she sighed heavily. "Just love me please." At her words you smiled but entered three fingers again this time adding a fourth stretching her out.

Taylor moaned gripping onto you pulling you close as her fingers dug into your skin. When she was close again you pressed with your palm against her centre making her moan.

You entered your tongue, sucking and licking the best you could as soon you felt her legs start to tremble as she arched her back. You gave it your absolute all helping her ride out her high. After you were sure you cleaned and tired her out only then did you lay down ontop of her.

She wrapped her arms around you while you laid your head on her chest listening to her racing heartbeat.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now