❕It's real: part 4 ✖

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[An: another part of the clock app inspired chapter.
Ps, please don't expect me to always update 6 to 7 parts daily 👀
And I'm giving you it because someone asked nicely.
So yeah...


Looking at the baby, Taylor couldn't help but let her mind wander.

Would his eyes resemble yours? Would his hair grow out soft and thick like yours?
Would he secretly love hugs but forever don't know it?
Would he have your smile and your contagious laughter?
Would he love like you do?
Would he stand up for his family and other people who need it?
Would he be obsessed with music like you?
Would he always crave ice cream or pizza?

Her heart warmed as she already thought of the countless things she wanted to do, spoil the baby rotten and teach him all there is to know. She thought of all the possible dislikes and interests they would share or not share.

She was excited.

She frowned slightly as more thoughts filled her busy mind. She just wanted to protect him, keep him safe. She wanted to teach him and love him for who he is. She wanted to see him grow up.

Then she felt her heart stop for a second as another thought crossed her mind.

I can't do that.

He's not mine.

"Taylor?" You watched the blonde closely, scrutinising her every move.

You didn't know what to expect from her or what her reaction would be but watching her stare at the baby like he's the only person in the room, warms your heart.

Her blue eyes focused solely on the sleeping figure in your arms. Eyes filled with adoration, determination and a sense of protection.

It looked like she already loved the little human like she was already preparing herself to care for him and like she would go to the ends of the earth for this human being she laid eyes on.

"What's his name?" The blonde asked barely above a whisper. "I haven't given him one." You said avoiding her intense eyes.

Despite the main light being turned off with only three lamps on you could read every detail on her face.

You didn't even hear the blonde approach you just as you didn't hear her enter the room. You watched her tall frame approach cautiously. Her steps were light but steady.

When she stopped in front of you she looked at you. Despite knowing she had no right to, she couldn't help but give in, to her overwhelming emotions.

She took her time scanning your face, memorising each detail. Unable to resist, you looked up into her blue eyes immediately trapped in her gaze.

You watched closely as her eyes moved slowly over your features allowing you to look at her. And for the first time, you noticed just how beautiful she is. Just how sharp her jaw and intense her ocean blue eyes were.

Something inside you stirred at the feeling she gave you. It was warm and fuzzy like a fire was kindled inside of you. A fire you didn't know you had or needed.

You watched her eyes come to a halt before moving down to the baby. You struggled to see her expression and even before you could say anything she took a step back holding her hands up.

"I'm sorry," Taylor whispered as she shook her head making you frown looking at her confused. "I'm going to be downstairs. If you need anything Cara and Selena are here too." You could barely hear her mumbling but you nodded.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now