Jelly ❎

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[An: this is short and random. I wrote this instead of sleeping. So yeah...

You hid in the hall glancing into the kitchen as Taylor stood with her arms crossed over her chest and shoulder leaning against the wall.

"I have braved the battlefield with the bug last night. It's your turn." You pointed into the kitchen with your spoon not moving from your hiding spot. "You're being dramatic." Taylor simply stated and you gasped at her words.

"No, I'm not. It was a very intense fight." You frowned at her seeing her amused smile. "It didn't even fight back." She gestured at you and scoffed.

"It did!" She raised a brow at you obviously, she was just humouring you. "When?"

"It nearly killed me twice." You pointed into the kitchen again. "When exactly?" She asked her amusement clear

"When it hit my shoulder and my temple." You pointed to your shoulder and temple.

"That's overstating things." She frowned and you rolled your eyes. "Taylor, I am not." You crossed your shook your head.

"I told you, you should leave it." She gestured at you. "I wasn't going to sacrifice my jelly." You shook your head gesturing at the bowl of jelly in your hand.

"I told you to wait for a few minutes. It wouldn't disappear." She reminded you and you hummed but shook your head again. "Nuh-uh, you don't just sacrifice your jelly like that."

"Really?" She asked, visibly amused. "Yes really!" You whisper shouted.

"If it was so scary why did you do it?" She asked again obviously not understanding why you would go get your jelly if you were so terrified of the bug. "Because you don't leave the jelly behind!" You shrugged like it was an obvious fact.

"I can't with you right now." She pushed herself off the wall and waved you off. "You don't have to." You shrugged peeking back into the kitchen where the bug sat on the counter taunting you.

"But when you can," You stepped into the living room still hugging your jelly close to your chest. "I'll be here with my jelly." You said walking to the couch checking the room for any bugs before you sat down on your favourite sofa.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now