❕This Love: part 3 ❌✖️❎

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(This is from TAYLOR'S POV)

I walked back climbing over the lifeless bodies to go and lock the deck with the glass doors and blinders. I pulled the sliding door shut until it hit a guys leg. I grabbed his ankle lifting his leg pulling the door shut dropping his leg only for it to hit the glass door and stay perched up against the glass. I shook my head groaning each time I had to move someone's limb. I just knew they'd all be really uncomfortable when they wake up.

I locked the door and closed the blinds leaving all the windows open. I walked to the entrance door taking the keys planning on locking everyone inside then throw the keys back through the window but when I looked up you stood there.

I froze blinking thinking that maybe I did have more than two drinks and I was drunk or just hallucinating I looked around trying to see if something else unbelievable was around me. But when you took a step closer I focused solely on you.

"I didn't need this." Those words the words that broke me leaving me to be this mess. "Did you come here just to tell me that?" I asked and you scoffed shaking your head.

"You had no right to ever tell me you have feelings for me." Your words cut deep and once again I was close to tears. "What?" I asked not wanting to know but wanting to know.

"I was doing great with Richard until I found out about you." You pointed at me angrily making me scoff. "I was doing sorta great until I found out about you." I pointed back at you mockingly.

"Do you honestly think it's easy for me seeing you with Richard?" I asked and you shook your head taking a step closer to me. "Then you should've said something before I met him." You pointed at me again. "You should've said something." I pointed back visibly annoying you.

"I didn't know back then." You said and I sighed dropping my arm. "You could've said something." You said sounding less upset but more sad. "There was never a good time." I said and you sighed rolling your eyes.

"Because we haven't known each other for more than twenty years and we haven't always been close and hanging out every night." Sarcasm was dripping from your tongue making me angry. "Not every year or every day or night." I was falling back in defense afraid of getting hurt more.

"But still you never said anything!" Again you raised your voice. "Because there was never a right time for gods sake!" It felt like you didn't even listen to the first fight we had months ago.

"How could there in two years not be a right time?" You had tears in your eyes and I felt bad for being the reason but I was hurting too. "Because there was always someone in the way. I've told you this." I said pointing at you before crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh my one night stands?" You raised your brows.

"No Y/n your girlfriends and boyfriends that only lasted a few months and then everytime it didn't work out who did you go to?" I raised my voice stepping closer to you making you step back and cross your arms over your chest.

"Who Y/n? Who?" I asked and you sighed. "You." You said and I let out a strained laugh nodding. "Me! Every god damn time!" I was tired of hiding my pain and feelings from you but I knew I couldn't show them now or ever.

"I had to sit and watch you have your heart trampled over time and time again. And I always let you take your heartbreak out on me! I always listened and always cared. No matter how much it broke me to listen to you cry about some idiotic boy or girl." I yelled letting it all out.

"Well you didn't have to." I laughed in absolute disbelief at your words. "What was I supposed to do to the person I've loved for so long, huh? Leave you standing at my front door? Leave you in the park crying? Leave you outside standing in the dark? Should I have left your frozen and shaking body in the rain?" I asked and I could see it in your eyes, you knew I was right.

"And then you tell me you love me too and just leave me high and dry." I said and you scoffed. "What was I supposed to do? Not tell you and put away my feelings?" You asked and I nodded.

"Yes." You scoffed at my answer. "How?" You asked and I threw my arms up. "I don't know but I've been doing it for more than a decade so you could find a fucking way." I said making you stop and stare. "What?" You asked and I shook my head.

"Stop thinking about your feelings and leave." I knew I was gonna regret it but I was too stubborn and stupid to admit it. "Okay fine I will." You said just as stubborn and stupid as me. "Fine you go then." I said pointing at the door.

You waved me off leaving as I followed behind you locking the door and walking to the couch. I slammed the glass annoyed, angry and hurt. I shouldn't have pushed you away. It was wrong. For the millionth time I hid my face in my hands as tears fell from my eyes.

I heard someone cough making me look up to see the guy on the roof drenched and still out cold finally drop the beer in his hand. I rolled my eyes questioning how I even ended up here.

I stood up turning to finally leave when I saw you at the door. I stood staring back. Your eyes looked as beautiful in the fading light as it did in the sun. I slowly walked to the door to open it but it was stuck. I groaned kicking the door and it finally opened.

I stood back as I opened the door letting go as it slid open. You stared at me a look in your eye I've wanted for so long. You had a look of love and adoration in your eyes. I couldn't help but smile knowing without a doubt my eyes held exactly the same look.

Upon further inspection I could see the droplets trickling down your head and arms. And you could see how much I felt for you. You could see I was vulnerable and see I did infact feel the same after all these years.

"You really love me?" You asked standing up taking a step forward to me. "I do. I am so in love with you." I said and you stayed silent for a moment thinking. I could see your mind running wild as you stared at me.

"How long?" You asked stepping closer I sighed running a hand through my hair. "About sixteen years." I said gesturing vaguely not noticing the little gasp you let out. "Sixteen?" You asked looking at me in disbelief making me sigh.

"This year August it's seventeen years." I shrugged not knowing what else to say. I didn't want you to leave again after you came back so I just answered unsure where it would go.

"How come you never said anything?" You asled and I chuckled sighing. "I ask myself that everyday." It was a daily question and still after sixteen years I haven't come closer to an answer.

"You've loved me for sixteen years?" You asked and I nodded looking at you. "I've been in love with you for sixteen years and I've loved you for twenty." I said and you just stared. I could see your mind was busy and I didn't blame you it was a lot to take in.

You stepped closer grabbing my shirt pulling me into you. Cupping my neck pulling me down slightly as you stood on your tippy toes to kiss me.
Without second thought my hands went to your waist gently gripping onto your shirt.

You stood on your tippy toes kissing me and this time I kissed back. I couldn't believe I was kissing you but still I poured my heart and soul into the kiss wanting you to know just how much I love you. I lifted my hands to your sides just below your shoulder blades pulling you closer into my body with my thumbs brushing over your shirt. I could feel your fingers tangling in my hair as you kissed back.

Much to my surprise you deepened the kiss running your fingers through my hair pulling me down into the kiss. I didn't object and allowed you to pour your emotions into the kiss letting me feel that love I've yearned for, for so long.

I pulled away but you kept me close your lips brushing over mine making my heart skip a beat. I opened my eyes seeing you open yours. You stared into my eyes only now realising how electric the blue seemed.

Your lips tugged into a smile as you pecked my lips before resting your forehead against mine. "I love you too." As I stared into your eyes I could see it you meant every word and you wanted me to know it's true.

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