I won't let go ✖️❎

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The fight started and got so intense neither one of you remembered what it was about anymore.

"I hate you." The words stung.

"I wish I never met you." You said regretting it the moment you said it and feeling worse when you saw tears forming in Taylor's eyes.

"Fine then. I'll leave." Taylor said grabbing her keys making you panic instantly. "No don't go."

This is exactly how your mother walked out and it didn't end well. When Taylor was out the door your mind went into over drive, your body taking control of itself. You ran out to see Taylor a few feet from the car.

"Taylor!" You yelled running to her crashing into her as you wrapped your arms around her. She lost her footing for a moment but she quickly stood upright shocked.

"Y/n let go." Taylor couldn't free her hands surprised at how strong you were even while your body was shaking with each sob. "Please don't go." You cried against her back gripping onto her shirt.

"Y/n please let go." Taylor tried again still angry and hurt by the fight on the verge of tears. "No. I can't. I won't." You managed to speak through sobs.

"Y/n please stop and let me go. I don't want to be here right now." Her own tears were falling from her cheeks. "I don't care. I'm not letting go." You said but after a few tries Taylor could free her arm and get out of your grip.

"I said. I'm leaving." When Taylor turned to her car you jumped onto her back making her bump into the car. "Y/n?!" Taylor was shocked at your behavior now struggling to get you off because you wrapped yourself around her completly.

"I said I'm not letting go." You cried into her neck. "What's gotten into you?" Taylor asked trying to think of ways to pick up her dropped keys.

"I can't lose you too. I can't be my father. I won't be my father." Halfway crouching down Taylor froze. You despised your father but Taylor never knew exactly why. She just knows that he drove your mom away and your mom passed that same night in an accident. You never even spoke of your father so saying that worried her.

"Your father?" Taylor asked her heart breaking when she felt your lips trembling against her skin with fresh warm tears wetting her shirt.

"What do you mean?" Taylor asked standing up her keys already forgotten. "This is how I lost my mom." You sobbed uncontrollably, she's never heard or felt you cry like this.

"Your mom?" Taylor was confused not knowing what to make of the situation. "They fought and she left." You cried and it all started to click.

"I'm sorry I never meant to be my father. I hate him and the last thing I want to do is lose you. I am sorry. I know I hurt you, but please stay the night. You can leave in the morning and you'll never see me again. Please, please please just don't leave now. Wait until the sun is up. Wait until your mind is clear. Please I'll leave you alone. Please just don't go yet." She could barely make out what you were saying through your violent sobs but the few words she caught tore her heart apart. She didn't want to leave and never see you again. She didn't want to lose you either.

She stood back walking to the little island of flowers sitting on the side putting her hand over yours letting you cry and grip onto her as tight as you wanted or needed. "I'm not going anywhere." Taylor whispered not even wiping her own tears. You sobbed louder your body shaking feeling like you'd go numb soon.

You and Taylor sat in silence crying together until the sun came up. You didn't losen your grip once holding Taylor tightly for four hours long. "Y/n?" Taylor called softly and your tired hum told her you still haven't slept.

"I'm sorry okay." Taylor said with a sigh. "Me too. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean a word I said. It was dumb and I got caught up in the moment. I'm sorry. I don't like fighting but still I'm a hothead and that's not good I know. I'm sorry. I love you so much and I'm sorry." You started to cry again. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean what I said. I love you too much." Taylor spoke softly.

"Do you still wanna go?" You asked and Taylor could hear how vulnerable you felt. "I never did." Taylor stood up walking back inside slowly walking up the stairs to your shared bedroom stopping in front of the bed.

"Can I hold you?" Taylor asked and you whimpered but nodded. Slowly letting go enough to turn and now cling to her from the front. Taylor smiled getting in bed letting you cling to her.

"Y/n I'm not going anywhere. I promise you." Taylor said she could feel you shaking. "Pinky promise?" You held your pinky up to Taylor who smiled and linked her pinky with yours. "I pinky promise." You smiled your grip easing up on Taylor.

You groaned in pain your muscles aching from being strained for so long. "Get some rest. I'll be right here if you wake up." Taylor wrapped her arms around you holding you close and tight.

You lifted your head to look at Taylor. "I love you." You said staring into her blue eyes. "And I love you, Y/n." She placed a kiss to your forehead before she rested her head down again.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now