❕It's real: part 1 ⚠️

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[An: we can say thank you to the clock app for giving me this idea✌️
It was going to be fucking sad but I decided against that for now 👀
And I'm not a doctor so there will definitely be wrong info around the medical stuff 🤫 And it's fiction so it's allowed 👀
So yeah...


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You wanted to cry, you wanted to shout, you wanted to freak out but you didn't have the energy.

"Y/n?" You didn't move. You kept your eyes on the roof focusing on nothing but the poor life choices that led you to this moment. "I just wanted to let you know that there has been no one to ask for you."

Looking down at the woman you sighed. "But your phone has charged enough for you to make a call." She held up your phone.

This nurse lived down the hall from you, she heard you fighting with your boyfriend and after he left your brother snuck out and got her to come to check up on you.

While she was making you tea your water broke. She was kind enough to race you and your brother to the hospital and has been helping you out for the past three hours.

Your phone had died, you tried calling your dad but he had to go for an emergency business meeting. He wanted to cancel but you knew his business would have the breakthrough he's been working on for twenty years so you forced him to go.

He did check up on you but you haven't heard of him again, time zones and jet lag. You knew he fell asleep easily, especially after travels so you didn't bother.

And your mom, she never answered your calls. She only ever called when she wanted something and you having a baby isn't what she wants.

Duncan, your brother was in the waiting room playing word search, luckily you had included his word search books into your emergency kit for the hospital.

He was too young to help or really understand. He was fourteen but still you didn't really want him to see you in this state. He did come to check up or bring you water often. He's always been one to try and help in his own way.

Taylor well, she's on tour. Yes, you did call and leave her a message but she was either asleep, in the gym or on stage and you weren't going to be the cause for the halt of her biggest tour.

And your boyfriend, the man who got you pregnant in the first place. He left. You blamed yourself for not foreseeing it. He was never really the one to stay.

You felt like an idiot for not listening to your dad or Taylor. That's why you didn't try very hard to get them to be here for you. You already caused enough problems by not heeding their warnings.

At this very moment, you didn't want this child in your stomach. You just wanted to get this over with. No one else really wants another edition and birthing this baby was going to push them away.

You weren't ready for this, if ever. You were going to put them up for adoption. Your father wouldn't be happy about it but still, you knew he would support you in your decision. He knew that it was your choice after all.

"Y/n?" You looked at the nurse who was holding your phone.

"Are you going to try again?" She asked and you just sighed and shook your head. "No Tammy." You weren't going to burden others with your poor decisions.

"You know in my twenty years of deliveries I learn to read the mothers. What they're thinking or how they feel." She started. "Congratulations." You hummed.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now