Tell me about it ❎

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You laid awake in bed next to Taylor. You weren't just happy, giddy and satisfied no you felt content for the first time in your life.

You've been dating for four years now. And you were beyond grateful for the woman next to you.

Looking over your shoulder you smiled scooting closer to cuddle with Taylor, and like it was second nature Taylor wrapped her arms around you. You smiled closing her eyes again. There was no place you'd rather be.

Your relationship wasn't always sunshine and rainbows, what relationship is? But you accepted and loved Taylor for who she is. In the beginning, you were afraid to take on the responsibility knowing that Taylor came with her daughter, Alisson who wasn't born then but you stayed by her side all the way.

And you knew if you could love Taylor during her moods swings, sick days and four am cravings, you would be able to love her no matter what. Alisson quickly grew on you even when she was still in Taylor's stomach, growing. At first, you were terrified that the little girl wouldn't like you but Taylor told you sometimes she thinks Alisson likes you more.

Alisson was four now and you loved her like she was your own. Tonight you weren't able to sleep but it wasn't anything new. You were lazy the whole day and couldn't sleep now but, in Taylor's arms, you were okay with sleepless nights.

Your bedlamp was still on but Taylor fell asleep, after Alisson she managed to fall asleep easily but you lost that ability. Unable to fall asleep as easily, but you didn't complain.

The silence was interrupted by sniffling making you put away your thoughts to listen for the noise close by.

"Mommy?" Alisson called shuffling closer to the bed. "She's asleep, come here sweetie." You called in a whisper perching up on your elbow seeing a small shadow from the bedroom door.

Taylor started to wake up but not enough to realise what was going on. Dragging her feet closer Alisson came into sight. She was hugging her teddy bear close to her chest rubbing at her red eyes.

"Love what happened?" You asked holding your arms out for your little girl. "I had a bad dream." She sniffled again climbing onto the bed between you and Taylor snuggling close to you feeling better when you held her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You whispered while brushing hair out of her face. "Mummy and Mommy went away without me." She sniffled again, Taylor was now awake enough to recognize what was happening making her frown sad her daughter had to go through that.

"Oh love we're not going anywhere I promise you. Never ever." You said rubbing her back knowing it always eased your little girl. "Is there anything I can do to help you?" You asked but Alisson shook her head. "I just want a hug." She whispered back instinctively making Taylor wrap her arms around both of her girls.

"I'll hug you until you don't want me to." You said giving Alisson a tight squeeze nuzzling your nose in her neck making her giggle. "Thank you mummy." She said closing her eyes easily falling asleep again feeling safe with you and Taylor holding her.

Taylor smiled after all these years her heart still melted at how good you are for Alisson. "Tay, you awake?" You asked immediately knowing in the way she held you. When she was awake her movements were more precise and when she was asleep her movements were sloppy. "Yeah," Taylor whispered smiling and placing a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you." You said making Taylor feel giddy, no matter how much you've said it to each other. "I love you too baby," Taylor said leaning down to place a kiss on your nose.

"Can't sleep?" Taylor asked realising that you still sounded wide awake knowing that when you just woke up you always had a raspy voice which she happened to find very attractive. "Not really." You said and Taylor hummed.

"Tell me what's on your mind," Taylor whispered back knowing that it always helped you fall asleep. "Nothing bad." You worried that Taylor would think there was something wrong. "Still..."

"Tell me about it," Taylor said squeezing your waist. "Okay." You nodded staring into those blue eyes that lived rent-free in your mind.

"I'm lucky and grateful for you and Alisson. I've never been more happy and content." You started making Taylor smile brightly happy that this was what kept you awake.

"And?" Taylor asked stroking your cheek staring into your e/c eyes. "Just thinking about how much I love you and Alis. How I'm grateful she accepted me and you trusted me to take care of you. I'm just... I'm really happy." You said with a cheeky smile.

"I am also happy with you and content and I know Ali is too. You're my lover and I'd be so happy to spend the rest of my life with you." Taylor said making you giggle. "This sounds like a proposal." You joked but the look on your favourite blonde's face made you gasp.

"Really? At three am?" You asked happily but in disbelief. "I know. I just couldn't hide it any longer." Taylor said making you tear up.

"Of course I'd marry you. But now I definitely won't be able to sleep." You said making Taylor giggle. "That's okay, me neither." She said placing a kiss on your lips laying back down and there you both laid wide awake staring into each other's eyes.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now