Three? ❌❎

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You and Taylor laid on the couch scrolling through her private page smiling and giggling at their most recent photos.

"Oh this one is my favorite." You giggled pointing at a photo of Taylor with her nose crinkled as you wrapped your arms around her shoudler leaning over the couch to kiss her cheek.

Taylor looked at you smiling still wondering what she did to deserve you. "I like giving you kisses like that. I always have to sneak up on you to do that. Because when you're standing you're way to tall." You were talking but Taylor didn't hear much she was just staring at you like a love struck fool.

"Babe?" You realised she still hasn't responded making you tilt your head to look up at her. "Tay?" You cupped her cheek and she immediately blinked giving you a sheepish smile.

"Did you hear a thing I just said?" You asked and she chuckled. "No baby I didn't. Sorry." She kissed your forehead gently running her fingers through your hair. "Want to try again?" Taylor asked and you could see she was now focusing on you. "It's not important." You smiled shaking your head. "It has to be when you said it." She always wanted to know what you were talking about. Always making note and when she hears you talk she makes sure to listen.

"I said I like giving you those kisses." You pointed at the now black screen. "Me too." She nodded and you smiled about to say something when your phone rang. "This time of the night?" Taylor asked as you took her arm placing it on the back of the couch standing up. "Babe it's only nine." You said and she scoffed.

"No way. It's way later." She unlocked her phone seeing what the time is. "Correction it's ten." She pointed at you with a victorious smirk. "My apologies your highness." You joked picking up your phone.

"Yellow." You looked at Taylor while answering knowing she was smiling. She found it adorable how you always answered the phone like that.

"N/n my girl it's me Roxy." You smiled brightly hearing your best friend.

"Oh my god you're still alive. Dammit." You winked at Taylor who was amused already.

"You ain't getting rid of me that easily." You laughed walking back to Taylor sitting on her lap again resting your head on her shoulder as you spoke.

"You'd think after twenty years I'd know that." Taylor smiled at you realising it was your best friend.

"So listen bitch, mom wants to meet your Tay Tay." You giggled at her words not realising the look on Taylor's face.

"My Tay Tay hey?" You asked making Roxane laugh.

"Your Tay bae." You knew Roxane from since you could remember. You were raised in the same home as her, she was your only family. She's your sister, best friend and biggest fan. She's always bragging about being your and Taylor's number one shipper.

"Well let me see what my Tay bae says." You pulled the phone away from your ear seeing the look on her face.

"Tay?" You frowned thinking she saw a ghost so you looked to where she was looking. "You want me to meet your parents?" Taylor asked in a hushed voice. "Yeah." You nodded not realising what she was so freaked out about. "It'll be awsome." You looked to where she was staring frowning still seeing nothing.

"Listen Tay Tay, they'll love you." Roxane called over the phone. When Taylor gulped you realised the problem.

"She's a bit out of it at the moment. I'll text you later." You said holding the phone against your ear.

"Okay bye Felicia." You smiled at her funny voice.

"Bye Felicia." You made your own funny voice before ending the call.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now