You're jealous? ❌❎ [REQUESTED]

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[AN: one of the requests. Had fun writing and thanks again for requesting. Don't be shy, you're more than welcome to request in my dm or the comments. So yeah...]

You walked down the stairs finally done and ready for the party your friend invited you to. "Are you ready babe?" You asked while walking to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. "Born ready." Taylor winked making you smile.

You got in the car and this time you were driving after all it was your new birthday car. Everyone knew how much you loved cars and have always wanted the 1969 Dodge Charger.

You've had the car for a year now and still got excited when you drove it. "Remember the road is not a race track," Taylor said making you sigh. "Babe I got a speeding ticket once." You said making her laugh while she put a hand on your thigh.

"Just reminding you." She said making you scoff while pulling out of the driveway heading for the party.

You got there and you made sure to park like a civilized person. You opened your door but before you could get out Taylor grabbed your shirt and pulled you back into a kiss. You were surprised but kissed her back right away.

When you pulled back out of the kiss you took a deep breath and let out a chuckle. Even after a year of dating each kiss felt like the first. "What was that for?" You asked and she casually shrugged. "I just really, really like you."

You smiled at her before pecking her lips. "I really really like you too." She smiled as you got out of the car and went to her side opening the door for her.

She smiled getting out cupping your cheek then kissing you again. "Such a gentlewoman." She made you smile as you closed the door. "Just for you," You said while Taylor draped her arm over your shoulders lacing your fingers together.

You walked to the door to find someone walking out of the door passing out on the steps, drunk beyond reason. "Fred?" Another girl called as she walked out. "He hasn't changed one bit." You mumbled while pointing to the passed out man making Taylor look at you already sceptical.

"Y/n?" Another girl rushed over pushing Taylor out of the way causing her to bump into the doorframe. "Hey, Annie." You stepped back surprised by the force she hugged you with. Taylor stared at the girl bewildered while rubbing her shoulder.

"Come on we have tequila and jager bombs." You grimaced shaking your head. "Annie wait. This is Taylor." You gestured at Taylor who looked at Annie about to go in for a friendly hug. Annie gave her a quick hug and when she pulled away you saw Taylor frown but before you could ask her what's wrong Annie dragged you inside with Taylor following close behind you not wanting to get separated in this house.

The night passed and you were having fun talking with some acquaintances from your high school days. "You remember Terry?" Dane asked and looked at him trying to recall who it was. "Terry the terrific turtle." You gasped remembering your school mascot.

"Yes. She was really pretty." You said making everyone nod in agreement. "She's got a kid now." You raised a brow realising it's been years later, twenty years and some people were already settled down and making their own families.

You looked over at Taylor who was laughing with Jones about something making you smile. You've thought about it before and whenever you think about your future you weren't sure what you wanted but you knew you wanted it to be with Taylor.

You turned back to Dane who was still catching you up on everything that has happened. He and Annie was everyone's friend and they still had contact with everyone. You enjoyed hearing about old friends knowing that some of them were living their dreams or at least happy.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now