I'm mad ❌ ⚠️

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[An: so yeah...]


You were pacing your and Taylor's room playing with your wedding ringfeeling like you'd pass out or throw up or maybe pass out and throw up.

"Momma." Grace called as she ran down the hall. You stopped pacing trying your best to focus on your daughter. "Momma look, I finally got the ball in the middle." You chuckled as Grace showed you the bubble holder with the ball maze.

"That's awesome baby." You looked at your daughter's face, she was clearly happy and over such a small achievement. "I'm really proud of you babes." You cupped her cheek pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"I still need to do the other one." Grace said lowering the bottle looking up at you. "Another one?" You asked surprised. "How many bubbles did mommy get you?" You asked and Grace giggled. "Five." At her words You raised a brow. "Is that so?" You asked and she nodded.

When a ding from the kitchen caught your attention you rushed downstairs seeing smoke coming from the oven. "Ah no no no no." You panicked opening the oven coughing when the smoke filled your lungs.

"Momma are you okay?" Grace asked and you gulped biting back tears. "Yes baby I'm okay, why don't you go solve those other bubble mazes?" You asked making Grace giggle excited running to her room.

Sitting the burnt pie on the counter staring at the previously failed meal. "I can't do this." You grabbed your phone putting on lover making sure the song was on repeat. But instead of collecting yourself you broke down laying against the counter crying.

Grace came downstairs to show you she got the maze right but she worried when she saw you. Taking your phone she called Taylor on face time having learned from early on when they contacted her on tours.

Taylor answered with a big smile giggling when she saw Grace but when her daughter didn't giggle or smile she knew something was wrong.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hello mommy." Taylor still smiles when Grace says it.

"What's wrong?"

"Momma is crying in the kitchen."

"I'll be right over. How about you take your nap?"


"I love you."

"Love you too."

Taylor got home moments later relieved Gace was asleep. She walked over to you. "Y/n?" Taylor called your attention sitting on the floor next to her. You looked over at Taylor immediately climbing onto her lap crying into her chest. "What happened?" Taylor asked scanning your body worried you got hurt or bad news.

"He's coming today, I'm not ready." It only took Taylor a moment to realise who you were talking about, she knew only he could put you in this state. "Baby why didn't you tell me?" Taylor asked making you frown.

"I didn't?" You asked making Taylor shake her head. "I'm sorry." You sighed but Taylor shook her head. "Not at all. But I know now and I'm gonna help you just like every other year." Taylor stood up with you.

She threw away the burnt food grabbing new oven pans and put everything ready. You quickly finished the food immediately feeling more calm and less stressed. "You okay?" Taylor asked standing behind you as you washed your hands. "Better." You mumbled smiling when Taylor wrapped her arms around her waist placing kissed to yout exposed shoulder.

When you were done you closed the tap resting your wet hands over Taylor's. "Anything I can do to help?" Taylor asked not minding your wet hands. "Sing to me?" You asked turning in her hold. "Grace is asleep, let's go take a shower and I'll sing to you." Taylor took your hand leading you upstairs to your bathroom.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now