❕The Guitarist: part 1 ❎

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Third pov

Y/n sat sat on the speaker backstage playing the song Enchanted singing to herself with a smile on her face because she was finally getting the song right.

She was so lost in her music she didn't notice her fellow bandmates a few feet away laughing and talking getting ready to meet the fans.

It was a small gig for the famous band. They wanted to have a chill night with the fans and so they rented out the tiny bar and announced that they'd be performing and spending the night no charges what so ever. Some people said it was too good to be true but it was true.

Zack, Y/n's fellow guitarist walked up to her lifting his foot on the speaker resting his arm on his knee as he spoke. "Apparently Taylor Swift is here." Zack said making a bigger smile break out on her face. "Apparently you say?" Y/n asked not lifting her head just focusing on her strumming doing her best to act cool.

"I haven't seen her myself but if her and my boyfriend are here that means there's a few Swifties too." She chuckled glancing up at him smirking. "It's no secret that ninety percent of our fans are Swifties. That didn't even make sense." Y/n dismissed his comment.

"Yeah because Tay Tay likes our music." She was a big Swiftie herself ever since she first heard I Knew You Were Trouble on the radio.

There's just something about her music that always made her feel less alone and more understood.

"I bet you a hundred bucks you'll fumble when you meet her." He held his hand out to her with a smirk. "Bold of you to assume I'll meet her." Y/n chuckled but shook his hand squeezing extra hard when she gripped his hand. He squeaked pulling back making her laugh out loud.

Taylor was in awe throughout the entire show. Y/n was her favorite band member out of them all. She was witty, kind and so hot.

"You have to meet her." Abigail said making the blonde scoff. "Yeah right." The blonde had met many famous people but for some reason she couldn't act casual about Y/n L/n.

She crushed so hard on Y/n.

"Come on Tay she's your wife remember." Abigail teased making the pop star blush deeply. "I never said that." It slipped out one time and her best friend still hadn't let go of it.

"Well at least come with me." Abigail said taking the blonde's hand leading her backstage without her knowing it.

Abigail greeted the band like they were long time friends. She had met them before in her and Taylor's hometown when Taylor was on tour. Abigail promised that next time she saw the band she'd bring the blonde. Abigail walked around having to drag Taylor along once she realised where they were.

"Abigail!" Tim called throwing his arms open for a hug as he pulled her into a hug kissing her cheek. "Abs you look great." He said giving her a once over.

"Marriage is treating you well." He commented making the curly haird woman chuckle in agreement. "Oh and Taylor in the flesh." Tim pulled Taylor into a hug making her giggle as she hugged him back.

"Rex, Abi is here." Tim called as he waved the drummer over. "Oh Abi darling." He pulled her into a big bear hug. Taylor watched in awe and amusement as they spoke with her and the other fans remembering their names.

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd bring Tay next time." He pulled the tall blonde into a hug which she happily reciprocated.

They started talking like they'd known each other for years catching up on their missed time together.

Taylor's eyes wandered searching for the laughter and that's when she spotted Zack and Y/n.

Y/n had her head hung back as she laughed. Everything seemed to slow down for the blonde as her blue eyes stayed trained on the h/c haired woman.

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