Thank You ❎

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[AN: something short I came up with while waiting for the doctor. Sooo yeah...]

You walked into the meet and greet looking around seeing all the squealing Swifties. Your friend didn't look much different than the others.

"I can't believe this is happening." He said looking at you as you started unwrapping the fairy lights he somehow got you to wear. "No don't take it off." He pouted making you laugh.

"I agreed to wear it during the show. The show's over." You said but when you saw his glossy eyes you sighed and put the lights on again. "I'm going to sit." You said walking to the closest seat watching how happy your friend was interacting with the other fans.

"Y/n! They said she's coming soon." Your friend jumped up and down in front of you making you chuckle and nod. "If you keep going on like this you'll pass out for sure." You said making him giggle and fall down into the seat next to you.

"I just can't help it." He said with his knees bouncing up and down and his hands tapping on his legs. "Yeah I'm not going to try and stop you. Just remember to breathe." You knew he was crazy about Taylor.

You admired how dedicated he was and how much he adored her. You loved that she made him so happy and kept him going through hard times.

You also liked her music which you knew because it's the only thing he ever played and from all the interviews and award shows you've watched with him, Taylor grew on you. She seems like a really nice and funny person.

You loved her sense of humor especially.

You wanted to say something but got interrupted by the entire room that filled with screaming and crying. You looked up and saw Taylor with a big smile on her face as she hugged everyone.

Your friend sat still staring at Taylor making you laugh. "Close your mouth, you're going to catch a fly." You said closing his mouth causing him to blush. "Om my lord, you're whipped." You chuckled watching as his eyes grew wide.

You followed his gaze and saw Taylor approaching you. You could feel your heart skip a beat but you didn't read into it because pretty girls always made you nervous.

And Taylor was a very pretty girl.

"Hey." She held her arms out for your friend who you had to pull to his feet for him to hug her making her chuckle but hug him. You sat back down watching your friend crying from happiness.

When they ended the hug Taylor started meeting everyone in another room to have alone time with them and you and your friend ended last.

"Come on." He pulled your arm but you didn't budge. "Remember, I got you the tickets because you love her. I just came along to see the pretty girls." You said making your friend chuckle but he let go and walked to Taylor.

"Y/n, come on." Taylor waved you over making you sigh but stand up and walk to them. "To be clear I'm only doing this because you asked so nicely." You said making your friend and Taylor chuckle.

You stood one side leaning against a wall while you watched your friend try and keep the conversation going with Taylor. You acted as a translator the moment he got too excited and started talking gibberish.

Like right now Taylor looked over at you with a raised brow making you chuckle. "He's talking about the merch." You pointed at his shirt. "It's my favorite." Your friend said. "Awe thank you." Taylor hugged him again causing him to freak out all over again.

You could see how overwhelmed your friend was making you smile amused. "Why don't you sit down for second?" You asked gesturing at the chair and he nodded sitting down in the chair taking deep breaths.

Taylor came and stood next to you. "I promise he's not always like this." You said making her laugh.

"He's just a bit excited." You said gesturing at him. "I figured." Taylor said making you laugh.

"And here I thought he was being cool about it." You looked at her to see she was already looking at you. "He was. I'm just good at reading people." She smirked causing you to laugh.

"So you got him the tickets?" Taylor asked and you nodded with a smile. "I've been saving for him since he played me your song that saved his life." You said remembering years ago when he played you the song you often listened to yourself.

"Which song was it?" Taylor asked turning to you. "It's from Speak Now." You said and she nodded looking at you with soft eyes. "Haunted." You said and she smiled looking at your friend.

"I want to hug him but I'm scared he'll pass out." Taylor said making you laugh. "I think give him a minute." You said.

"So you saved up for so long?" Taylor asked and you nodded. "Yes. I've seen what a big difference you've made in his life and I just wanted to look you in the eye and say thanks." You turned and looked into beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you." She smiled at you. "Can I hug you?" She asked and you chuckled but nodded. "Just this once." You weren't a hugger and didn't really like hugs but your friend was an exception and you didn't want to make Taylor feel bad.

She pulled you into a hug and you wrapped your arms around her. Her hug was so soft and warm like she was hugging with her heart. A smile crept onto your face as you noticed her heart beat that seemed to race a bit.

You pulled out of the hug and smiled at her. "You give nice hugs." You said making her chuckle. "Thank you. You too." She said making you smile.

"So I'm assuming he made you put on this outfit?" Taylor asked pointing at you reminding you of being wrapped in fairy lights and dressed in some outfit that came from some music video. "No. Can't you see how passionate I am with my fashion?" You asked making her laugh again.

You liked hearing her laugh, she had a unique and contagious laugh. "So passionate." She smiled at you.

"Can I ask you something absolutely crazy?" Taylor asked making you raise a brow but look at her. "Um yeah, sure." You nodded and she smiled again.

"Would you like to get a coffee sometime?" She asked making you laugh thinking she was joking but when she wasn't laughing you stopped. "Oh, you're serious?" You asked and she nodded.

"Yes, I would like to get a coffee." You nodded making her smile. "I'll give you my number in case you decide on cancelling." You said pulling a piece of confetti out of your pocket.

"Don't ask he made me do it." You said making her laugh again as you wrote your number down. "Here." You handed her the confetti and she neatly folded it and put it in her pocket.

"You okay there?" You asked your friend who was still smiling. "I am." He nodded standing up walking over to you and Taylor.

He greeted her and then rushed out to find the bathroom making you laugh as he did the wee run. You turned to Taylor who was smiling at you.

"Thank you for coming." She smiled while pulling you into a hug which you happily reciprocated. "Thank you too." You smiled.

"I'll see you soon." Taylor waved making you chuckle but nod. "See you soon." As you stepped out of the meet and greet room your phone chimed. You pulled out your phone thinking it's your friend's parents that were asking if he was still alive but it wasn't.

I got three hugs.
See you soon, gorgeous!
Taylor ;)

You chuckled looking back to see her standing at the exit making you laugh.

Seems like you're an exception.
See you soon!
Y/n :)

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now