❕Cornelia Street: part 9 ❌✖

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[An: I promise the happy ending is coming.

Drunk me just wanted to add more angst. Sober me apologises.

No, sober me won't answer- Take it up with drunk me.

She often shows up. So yeah...]

Taylor felt like her head would explode not only from the headache and lack of sleep but from overthinking. "I swear to god I don't know anymore." Taylor threw her hands up looking at Selena who sat next to her. "We had a moment. Two moments!" The blonde wanted to shout and cry but felt too fragile to do even that.

"She'll come around." Selena's words confused her best friend. "Have you been listening to me?" The blonde raised a brow.

"Yes, I listened to every word for our entire hour drive here." Taylor nodded taking her best friend for her word. "She just needs a realisation or some sort of shock." The dark-haired woman shrugged.

"You aren't suggesting I taze her right?"

"What!?" Selena's eyebrows raised so high Taylor was sure they'd hive five the clouds.

"Taze?" The blonde mimicked the action of stabbing someone. "It goes zap." Her jazz hands seemed to concern her friend more.

"Of course not!" The look of disbelief and amusement made Taylor realise it certainly wasn't her suggestion.

"Oh, okay good. I don't even know where I'd find one right now."

"What? Why would you even ask that?"

"No reason. Just making sure."

"How much sleep have you had?"

"Well, I spent the entire night on the floor outside my bedroom door."

"I am well aware."

"I think I got like two hours of sleep."

Selena stared at her best friend in disbelief seeing the bags under her eyes under her sunglasses. "How are you still alive?" At the question, the blonde shrugged.


Once they reached the hotel everyone got out rushing inside after fighting to get through the paparazzi.

"Animals with cameras." Austin scoffed.

"Don't insult animals like that," Y/n said making Selena laugh and Taylor chuckle. "Yeah Austin, animal abuse is wrong." Selena playfully shoved his arm.

"Ha ha." He sighed walking to the receptionist with the women.

"Good afternoon." The lady smiled at the group of five. "Reservation?" Andrea nodded stepping forward next to Selena.

"Taylor?" Y/n turned to see a teenage boy approaching the blonde. "Wait? How do you know my name?" The h/c haired woman raised a brow at the question the blonde voiced.

"Um... because you're famous." The boy seemed confused at his idols question. "Oh right." The blonde chuckled lightly.

"So what can I do you for?" The blonde asked making Y/n sigh and walk over to them.

"Is she okay?" The boy asked looking at Y/n who forced a laugh. "She's just a bit jet-lagged." She laughed it off with the boy who seemed to take the excuse as an answer.

"Is it okay if I ask for a photo?" The boy asked and Taylor gasped. "Yes! I love photos!" The blonde grinned not noticing the look of worry on Y/n's face.

Selena took the camera and held it up. "Say- jet lag." She teased making everyone smile and giggle. "Jet lag."

When the boy got his picture he thanked everyone and held a short conversation with Taylor.

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