❕Dancing and kissing: part 2 ✖️❎

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-1989 tour rehearsals-

We were rehearsing and even if we're on the stage together all the time I never get to speak to you. It was clear that you were avoiding me and it kind of hurt.

I haven't had a proper conversation with you ever since Christmas. It really sucks because we grew so close during the RED tour and I was just getting used to having you around so much. But now you're gone.

Rehearsals were done for today and this time Owens went after you to talk with you. When five minutes passed and I didn't see you I went outside to find you talking with him.

You were busy going on about something and while you were distracted I approached you. I didn't want to sneak up on you but it seemed like my only option left.

"Y/n?" I called your attention. You spun around on you heels facing me. "Taylor." You never called me that, you used to call me Tay and I loved the way it sounded when you said it.

"Well I have to go." You looked at Owens but I kept my focus on you afraid you'd just disappear again. "I promised to drop Christian." Owens said waving and leaving.

"I haven't been able to talk to you." I immediately started not wasting time. "Yeah I've been busy." You shrugged forcing me to bite my cheek. The cold shoulder I was getting was really starting to bother me.

"Look Y/n what is the problem? You just left my parents house and never came back. I was worried sick. I'm still worried sick." I didn't realise until now how much it really upset me. "You fought with my brother and left. I don't know what I did but can you tell me? I want to fix whatever I did wrong." I bit my cheek refusing to cry.

"You didn't do anything wrong." You spoke softly but I could hear you. "Then what did I do to deserve this treatment?" I asked trying to find your eyes but they kept roaming avoiding mine.

"Did you hear what I was yelling about?" You asked and I nodded. "That's exactly why I didn't come back. You probably hate me now or at least don't look at me the same way. I probably make you uncomfortable and feel uneasy." I was honestly shocked that you thought all these things.

"Y/n I am not angry and I don't hate you. And yes I look at you differently." I said making you look up at me with big eyes. "In a good way." I quickly added making you sigh relieved. "I know it's hard to love especially when it's frowned upon by society. I think you're brave and personally I'm flattered that you think I'm worth falling in love with." You looked at me with a frown.

"And you don't make me uncomfortable. I wouldn't have come after you if you did." You seemed to relax a bit. "I know you respect me and wouldn't make me uncomfortable or force me to do anything." I added to which you hummed nodding.

"Do you feel the same?" I could barely hear you but I did and I froze at the question.

Did I miss you? Yes. Did I think about you every second of every day? Yes. Did it hurt not hearing or seeking you? Yes. Was I heartbroken thinking that you didn't care about me? Yes.

"I don't know." I sighed. You didn't answer you just nodded.

"I'm sorry for ghosting you. But I need to go." You said rushing to your car making me sigh and rush after you.

You walked around to the drivers side and I got in the passenger side. I didn't expect the seat to be pushed this far forward causing me to knee the glove compartment that slipped open causing a little golden rectangular shaped box to fall out.

"Taylor please don't do this." Curious I looked and saw a chain that fell out. "Wait no." I ignored you swatting your hand away to pick the box and chain up. The chain slipped out further but I caught it in my hand.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now