You're mine ⭕🔞

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[An: Here you go
ImDaddiesWhore NatashaMaximoff1
a lil smth smth...
Have some Bottom Taylor.
Ps: I'm tired so sorry for any mistakes.

You and Taylor were out for a celebratory dinner she insisted on. You were promoted in your district and finally got your badge making you an official officer.

A real dream come true.

The evening however was cut short because of a certain waitress and Taylor's behaviour towards the waitress.

Taylor stared at you while you kept your eyes on the road. The silence was killing her. She knew you were mad because you kept both your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.

"Are you mad at me?" Taylor finally asked glancing up at you. She sat in the backseat so she saw your jaw clench in the mirror. "I didn't do anything." She muttered quickly looking up when you stopped.

"I'm annoyed." You spoke calmly, too calm for her liking. She knew it was the calm before the storm. "And you did." She sighed tearing her eyes from the small mirror to look outside at the passing scenery.

You looked in the mirror seeing the small frown and slight pout on Taylor's face. You swallowed moving your eyes back to the road.

Oh, all the things I could do.

Your mind was running wild with all the things you wanted to do to her. You wanted to remind her who's she is. You wanted to make your mark and leave it there.

I wonder how hard I can make her scream.

Your grip tightened on the wheel as you glanced at her seeing her side profile while she stared out the window.

As hard as I want her to.

You shifted in your seat struggling to keep to yourself. Taking a deep breath a smirk formed on your lips as you looked at the road.

I'll have her begging me for mercy.

Your breathing got shallow as you swallowed to wet your dry throat. Your chest rose and fell higher and lower than normal.

Taylor sat in the backseat trying to think of what you were going to punish her with.

Sleeping on the couch? No kisses? No sex? No touching? No cuddles?

Taylor couldn't, she never could think or predict what you had in mind. Your beautifully twisted mind was too complex.

She looked in front of her when you slowed to a stop in your driveway. She looked at you waiting for you to speak.

You got out and Taylor followed suit. "Is the silent treatment necessary?" Taylor hated it when you didn't talk to her. You looked over your shoulder at her, your eyes sending shivers down her spine.

"Was flirting with the waitress necessary?" You asked making her groan. "I didn't flirt with her!" She walked past you rushing into your home kicking her shoes off at the door.

"I don't have the energy for this." She waved her off not seeing the smirk on your lips. "I'll sleep on the couch." She set her purse on the kitchen counter while you kicked your heels off.

You'll have energy in a few moments.

You licked your lips looking at her, that dress has been driving you wild all night. You knew eyes would be on her, part of you hoped there would be.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now