It's my favourite part ⭕❎

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[AN: aaaallllrighty hello to all my babes✌️😽. Have a little bit of bottom Taylor. Just a random idea I had. So yeah...

You watched as Taylor laid still staring up at you. You straddled her waist to get the right angle to apply her signature red lipstick.

You knew Taylor knew very well you could, she just didn't want to ask for affection so she "tricked" you into focusing on her. You knew this but didn't say anything.

A crease formed in your forehead as you focused on applying her red lipstick perfectly, proving your skills she knew you had. She has seen you do Selena's makeup for years now.

She wasn't as smooth as she hoped or thought she'd be. "You're staring." You smirked immediately noticing her cheeks flush a pink colour covering her face.

You didn't say anything, you stayed silent looking at her. Leaning down you placed a chaste kiss on her lips smiling when she smiled up at you.

Neither one of you spoke a word. She watched intently as you placed the makeup on the bedside table moving back to straddle her once again.

You lifted your right hand and traced your thumb across her jaw from left to right then placed your hand down on her neck.

Taylor watched carefully as you traced your thumb over her neck then under her jaw before you gently grabbed her neck.

"Your neck is my favourite part." You stared at her neck but felt her blue eyes on you. You felt her swallow making you smile and look up at her.

You pushed her jaw up creating more access to her neck. You then leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her neck grinning when you felt her swallow against your lips.

You pulled away and let go of her neck. You looked up at the clock beside your bed. "The girls will be here soon." You said watching her nod slowly.

"We can't be late again." You chuckled before getting off of her. "I'm not the one who decided to have last-minute shower sex." Taylor lifted herself onto her elbows.

"Are you complaining?" You raised a brow and she just started. "You didn't sound too bothered when you were screaming my name." You grinned watching her face flush.

"Didn't think it was such a big deal." You teased and she scoffed. "We were an hour late and I could barely walk." She said and you nodded.

"It was a very good ses- Y/n!" She whined and you laughed. "Fine, no shower sex." You shrugged walking to her grabbing her chin.

You leaned down and kissed her immediately she gave in no fight whatsoever. You pushed her down on the bed getting on top of her.

You broke the kiss trailing kisses down her neck gently biting at the skin making her moan. "No marks, please." She gasped and you hummed moving lower.

You loved marking her and today you were feeling more gracious so you marked where she could easily cover-up.

"Y/n!" Taylor whined when she felt the first mark made. "I didn't agree." You simply said before slipping a hand underneath her shirt.

"We're gonna be late again," Taylor whispered but she didn't seem bothered one bit.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now