❕Last Night: part 2(b) ✖️

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"Angie!" Taylor faked the best smile she could.

"Taylor I'm so sorry for dropping by unannounced. I did call Y/n but she didn't answer. I decided on waiting longer to see her and talk but she's still not home." She kept rambling and Taylor was only able to nod because she was unsure of what to say and Angie didn't leave space for a response.

"I went through her drawers and she had a love letter she wrote and it wasn't addressed to me. She addressed it to some bitch Becky." Taylor's eyes grew wide as she stared at Angie.

You were the one who called her Becky after seeing the memes online. You actually saved her private number as Becky. "That bitch." Taylor managed a response making Angie scoff and nod in agreement.

It bothered Taylor that she had no shame in admitting to invading your space. "I'm telling you she stole Y/n. Twisted her mind or something." The words hurt coming from her friend knowing that she never meant to fall for Y/n, she didn't mean to hurt her friend but she loves Y/n and had a need and desire to show her that love and treat her right.

"That's horrible." She could only manage short replies afraid of saying or expressing anything she shouldn't.

"What am I going to do? I don't want to lose Y/n. But if this person - Becky makes her happy..." The hurt in Angie's eyes made Taylor almost feel bad for loving you but she didn't regret it at all.

"All I want for Y/n is to be happy." It was hard for Angie to say Taylor could hear it in her shaky voice.

Taylor knew Angie was someone she'd never date. Angie always asked too many questions and on most days she didn't take no for an answer. She never knew what made you stay with Angie, maybe you just saw another side of her.

She knew you're attacked to each other or at least you were. Something deep down inside her told her that you had strong feelings for her too. After all you defied your beliefs just for her. And so did she.

"But why didn't she just tell me? It's not like we're engaged or married. She could've been honest." She went on for another ten minutes. Taylor couldn't hear everything she said, her mind kept wandering to you.

You waited nervously upstairs when your phone rang but it wasn't with you making you panic and rush out to see it on the table at the front door. You ran and declined the call only to see Taylor staring at you with big eyes before turning back to Angie blocking her view of you.

"What was that?" Angie asked trying to step to the side to look at the place the song came from. "What was what?" Taylor asked trying to stay calm. "That sounded like Y/n's ringtone." Angie said making you and Taylor panic.

Angie leaned onto one foot looking behind Taylor as you ran into another room to hide there accidentally bumping something off the shelf. "What was that?" Angie asked pushing Taylor aside walking to the stairs. Taylor trailed behind her then saw you gasping. "What was what?" Taylor asked going to stand so that Angie couldn't see into the room you hid in.

"I saw something move here." She said pointing at the spot you stood at a few seconds ago. "It was probably Meredith." Taylor said pointing at her cat that sat staring at them like they're idiots. "No I thought I saw..." Angie trailed off staring at the door she sighed clearly not sure what she wanted to do or say.

"Can I ask you something?" Taylor asked thinking hard about how she would voice her question. "Shoot." Angie pointed at her while sitting down on the bottom step.

Taylor worried about how Angie would react to your last night's event. She worried how she would take it and how she would deal with it. Would she be angry, of course she knew she would but what was she going to do with that anger. That was her main concern.

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