Take What's Mine ✖️❎

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You got home hearing laughing making you frown as you walked to your living room gasping. You stood staring at Taylor in absolute shock.

"Taylor!" You shouted and she looked at you with big eyes sitting up almost throwing Selena off the couch.

"I can't believe you." You said angrily at her. "No baby it's not what you think." She rushed over to you but you stood back before she could touch you.

You looked behind her seeing Cara on the couch smiling. "In my own home." You gritted your teeth and she shook her head waving her hands. "I promise it's not what it looks like." Taylor put a hand on your shoulder gesturing at the other girls.

"They wanted to do it." Taylor said pointing at the other two who stared with wide eyes. "Don't drag me into this." Cara sat up on the couch. "You got this Tay." Selena said making her scoff in disbelief.

"I can't believe you." You crossed your arms over your chest hurt. "You invite them over into my home and then you go behind my back and watch Friends without me?" You asked glaring at her.

"No it wasn't me. It was them." She was now pointing between her friends. "Hey I said you got this not we got this." Selena said crossing her arms over her chest. "It was your idea!" She shouted before turning to you.

"I promise it wasn't my idea." She spoke softly rubbing your arms. "No. Don't blame them." You said and she looked at you surprised. "You're taking their side?" She asked frowning at you.

"You're the only one who knows where I hide the remote." You said and she sighed nodding. "But still I didn't watch." She tried again.

"You know what." You stood back out of her hold. "Take what's yours and leave." You pointed at the door and without hesitation she nodded.

She stepped forward grabbing your wrist bending over wrapping her arm behind your knees while pulling your arm over her shoulders. "Wha- Taylor." You yelped surprised when she lifted you now carrying you like a potato sack.

"What are you doing?" You asked pressing on her back to lift yourself while she just kept walking. "You said to take what's mine." She grabbed her keys and phone now walking to the front door. "And to leave." She was now carrying you outside walking down the street to her home two blocks away.

You forgot why you were angry now blushing furiously. "Aw babe." You giggled hugging her torso while hanging upside down.

"I love you." You smiled closing your eyes hugging her tightly. "I love you too so much baby girl." Taylor said kissing your hip smiling just as bright. She texted the other two telling them to lock if they leave. She couldn't stop smiling as she walked to her house.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now