❕Home Is Where The Heart Is: part 3 ❎

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[An: sorry this update is shitty but things are hectic and I just wanted to get this out of my drafts to add something new. So yeah...]

Taylor pov

You stared at me for a moment before your eyes fell to the floor. "I know someone who isn't fortunate enough." You mumbled but I heard you loud and clear. "Really? Can I help in any way?" I asked wanting to help as many people as possible, but you fell silent not answering me.

"Y/n?" I watched as you stood up silent for a moment. "I need to use the bathroom." You said before you walked out of the living room leaving me confused and concerned.

Why couldn't you just tell me who it was? Did you not want to help them? Or did you not want me helping them?

None of that made sense. You also wanted to help everyone you could.

When thirty minutes passed and you still didn't return I got up and went to look for you. I got to the bathroom I showed you when I gave you a brief informational tour then knocked only to hear faint sniffles.

"Y/n?" I pressed my ear against the door to try and hear you better. "Can I come in?" I asked but you didn't answer causing me to worry a bit.

As I turned the doorknob you let out a sob. "I'm that someone." You said making me freeze. "I don't have a home and I get it if you want me to leave. I will go and you don't have to talk to me again. I don't want your reputation to be ruined or tainted because of me." Your voice cracked as you breathed shaky breaths.

I couldn't believe what you were saying. I rushed in and dropped to my knees next to you before pulling you into a bear hug. "Oh, Y/n." I sighed as you laid your head on my chest, your ear pressed against my chest.

I couldn't believe that you thought you weren't good enough. You wanted to protect my image no matter the consequences. "I would never do that," I said my heartbreaking when you let out another sob. "But I've got nothing to give you." You said making me frown looking at you like you had two heads.

"Are you kidding?" I pulled back to look you in your eyes smiling. "You give me happiness, freedom, and appreciation," I said and you raised a brow at me obviously not realising how much you really meant to me.

"I do?" You asked and I smiled nodding. "You make me happier than I've been in a long time. You make me feel free whenever you treat me normal like you always do. And you make me feel like I'm appreciated like you actually do care about who I am not, what I am."

"But what about food and drinks? I can't even afford to eat dinner every night."

"Y/n the way you make me feel is a lot more valuable to me than what you can buy me."

"Are you sure?" You asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. "I've never been more sure," I assured you. You got on your knees before pulling me into one of the best hugs I've ever had.

Your hugs were so warm and comforting. It felt like the world couldn't hurt when your arms were around me.

I hid my face in your neck relieved that you didn't want to leave. I smiled as your hands gently rubbed up and down my back. I now understood you more and the part that was mysterious to me was no longer mysterious. And now I knew for sure that I really, really liked you.

It's been a week since you told me about living on the streets with your uncle and hearing about the struggles you faced I couldn't help but admire you even more. It was another Friday night and uncle joined us for dinner, again.

We were watching a movie and you had fallen asleep in my arms. You sat with your legs over me and your head resting on my chest. I looked at Leonard then turned down the volume.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now