❕Are you in love: part 2 🚫✖❎ [REQUESTED]

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[An: So I might make a part 3. Hope you enjoy. I was sober when I wrote this and didn't write it when I was supposed to sleep, just wanted to add it because I'm proud of myself, lmfao. So yeah...]

It's been another two months and you couldn't get Taylor out of your head and for some reason you didn't see harry the same way you did before.

You questioned feelings you once thought were true.

"Y/n love?" At Harry's voice, you turned to see him with a concerned expression on his face. "Yes?" You looked up at him.

"Is something wrong?" He asked and you raised a brow. "Why do you ask?" You asked and he shrugged before gesturing at you.

"You put the sugar in the fridge, made coffee in a glass and used salt instead of sugar." When you looked down you saw the salt next to your glass filled with coffee. "And you've been staring at your burger for thirty minutes now."

"I just have a lot on my mind." You said pushing the glass away from you knowing full well salt instead of sugar was horrific. "Would you like to talk?" He asked and when you looked into his eyes you felt your heartbreaking.

Harry wasn't a bad person. He loved and cared for you. He treated you right and respected you. "Not really." You didn't know what you'd tell him. He didn't do anything wrong yet you still fell for someone else. Before Taylor, you thought Harry was the person you truly loved, maybe you do love him you and maybe you were never truly in love with him.

Which is unfair to him, you realised it now.

"Okay well if there's anything I can do for you, I'm here." He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and you could tell that his touch didn't feel the same. "I know, thanks." You avoided his shining eyes.

"I just. I need to go home for a bit." You said before pushing your chair back standing up. "To your parents?" He asked and you nodded.

"Y/n if I did something wrong please tell me. I'd like to fix it." He said and you gave him a sad smile. "Trust me you didn't do anything wrong. This is all on me." You said before slowly walking upstairs to go pack a bag.

You finished packing then walked downstairs. That's when you saw Harry at on the same spot he was thirty minutes ago. He had a slight frown as his chin rested on his folded hands with his elbows on the table.

"Harry?" You called his attention and he looked up quickly standing. "Is this because I'm going on tour?" He asked.

"I can make plans to take you with me, I'm sure my team won't have a problem with it." He said and you sighed shaking your head. "We can face time every time I get the chance. Or a call whatever you choose." Before he continued you put a hand on his chest stopping his rambling.

"You've done nothing wrong." He put his hand over yours looking at you with sad eyes. "Tell me what it is please." He begged and you sighed.

"I've got a few things to figure out. I need to figure this out on my own." You said and you could swear you saw how his heart broke. "Okay, I understand. If there's anything I can do for you, please let me know." He said and you nodded inhaling deeply before hugging him.

He wrapped his arms around you holding you close as he placed a kiss on your head. "Send my love to your mum and dad." He said and you nodded with a smile. Your parents loved Harry and he adored them.

You took the first flight back to London heading straight to your old childhood home. When the cab pulled up in your driveway you thanked him giving him a tip before getting out of the cab.

You walked up to the door before knocking. It felt strange knocking at your own house but at the moment you felt like you didn't really belong anywhere.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now