❕Cornelia Street: part 10 ❌✖❎

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[An: enough waiting here's our gay happy ending (that most of you asked for). Hope it's what you wanted. So yeah...]

Taylor finished explaining what happened inside those four walls all those years ago. "I was dumb for saying yes..." She whispered mostly to herself but Y/n heard her loud and clear.

"Why didn't you just tell me?" Y/n asked still resting her hand on Taylors' chest feeling her heart beating beneath her touch. "What?" The blonde asked looking at Y/n who had lost the cold glare she once aimed at the blonde.

"Why didn't you tell me that they made you choose?"

"I wanted to." The blonde spoke quickly before sighing. "But I didn't know how to tell you that I chose my career over you."

"But you didn't," Y/n said making the blonde frown confused. "But I did?"

"They gave you no choice Tay, there was no winning that day." The h/c haired woman said her thumb caressing soft skin.

"If you just told me instead of leaving me in the dark I'm sure we could've figured something out."

"I was afraid." The blonde admitted. She was petrified to tell Y/n because she knew she broke her promise and knew that she would break Y/n's heart too. She did so anyway without intending to. "I understand that..."

"But do you know how much pain we could've avoided if you just talked to me?" Taylor sighed nodding. "I see that now." Taylor had lived in fear of telling Y/n but now that she finally told her she couldn't see really what was holding her back.

"Will was right, we do like to suffer." Y/n chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing just something Will said." Taylor didn't answer.

There fell a silence over them, a comfortable one that both had missed so much. Both sat happily in silence until the same thought crossed their minds.

"I think we're meant to be." Taylor started making Y/n raise a brow. "Oh?"

"When I found you at your mother's grave, I asked her for a little help. And maybe call it coincidence but we ended up in another broken elevator together." The blonde said making Y/n gasp.

"I asked for help too. I see what you're getting at." Y/n chuckled laying her head back down on the blonde's chest.

"Trust mom to trap us in an elevator and not a broom closet." Both chuckled.

"What are we going to do?" Y/n asked causing the blonde to gasp. "Austin." She cursed herself leaning her head against the wall.

"Fuck me." The blonde grumbled frustrated and angry. Y/n wanted to make a snarky comment but knew it would be very inappropriate, given their circumstances.

Taylor looked at Y/n again cupping her cheek then leaning her forehead against Y/n's. She closed her eyes appreciating the warmth Taylor provided even at the smallest of touches.

"This is fucked up," Taylor said and Y/n nodded moving to sit next to the blonde laying her head on her shoulder. "No shit."

Taylor opened her mouth to say something when the elevator lights went on and the elevator moved. Y/n jumped up as the doors opened she rushed out taking a deep breath.

"Y/n?" She turned at her name to see Austin approaching. "Austin." She called throwing her arms around his neck hugging him. Taylor did her best to avoid looking at the couple as she walked to her mom hugging her.

Selena hugged Y/n then Taylor. "Wait." Y/n pointed at everyone. "Where did you get snacks?" She asked causing Taylor to gasp.

"We were stuck in an elevator and you got snacks!" She looked at everyone in disbelief. "I can't believe you didn't even get us." The blonde whined making Y/n frown.

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