I didn't ❎✖ [REQUESTED]

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[An: I know there will be a lot of incorrect events taking place but idc. This was requested and I only want what's best for them.

This song has helped me through some things, something similar actually. So I wanted to share it...

Idk if I'm too late but good luck with your knee surgery babes and get well soon variousgirlsxreaders
Everyone pls send them love!

You sat on the bed staring at the sleeping grey cat. You refused to look at your swollen knee hidden between the cushions and ice packs.

"Babe?" Taylor walked in with a glass of water and pain relievers seeing you sit in the same position you were in when she left half an hour ago.

"Babe?" She sighed walking over to your side of the bed setting the glass and medication down.

"Y/n?" When she put her hand on your thigh you flinched looking up causing her to lift her hand afraid she'd hurt you. "Tay?" You rubbed your eyes then started blinking repeatedly. It felt like they were dry and burning.

You saw her hand lifted above your leg. You clenched your jaw taking her hand in your hands resting your hands in your lap.

Taylor watched intently as you started playing with the promise ring on her finger making her smile sadly. She knew this was a telltale sign of yours, you were nervous. Her eyes lifted up to your face and she saw the crease on your forehead and your jaw clenched.

"Still nervous?" She asked softly getting nothing but a hum. She took you to the doctor and he explained the surgery, assuring you that it would be okay and that only the best doctors were going to be working on her knee.

"Tell me how to help." Taylor came home yesterday to you have a panic attack. She was desperate to help you. She even cancelled all her plans with her friends promising to catch up on another day.

All her attention was directed at you. She was sure to cook your favourite meals, bake your favourite cookies and feed you snacks.

She helped you around the house and forced you to stay in bed only allowed to leave when it was necessary.

She called her mom asking for any advice on how to keep you calm and make sure you're comfortable. She even phoned your brother and your father for advice.

"Tell me what you need." She spoke again and you sighed glancing up into her soft blue eyes. Her heart broke when she saw the tears in your eyes filling to the brim threatening to spill over.

"Take away the pain." You whispered and she let out a hopeless sigh. "Love, you know if I could I would." She put her other hand over yours stopping you from fiddling more.

You swallowed hard and nodded. You did know this and you didn't doubt her for one second. She made sure to take you to the best doctors there is in an effort to comfort your growing nerves but it didn't.

"I'm scared." You whispered and her shoulders slumped. She so desperately wanted to help but she didn't know how. She's done all the medical assistance she could, pain killers, ice packs and rest. She knew you needed help but she didn't know how to help.

"Please just tell me." Her voice grew softer as she spoke trying to hide her voice crack. "I want to help you."

"Don't leave me." She raised a brow sitting up. "What?" She didn't understand.

"Please don't leave me." You repeated and she shook her head. "I'm not going anywhere." She assured.

"But what happens when you can't stay by my side." You bit your cheek to stop yourself from crying. "Don't do that." Taylor brushed her thumb over your cheek making you let go of the already bleeding cheek . "And I'm not leaving your side, okay?" She added and you shook your head.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now