Pranks ❎

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[An: My writing may be shit but I do offer quality memes]

Taylor giggled as she held your camera. "Okay so as some of you may know this is my girlfriend's channel. What does she always say? Welcome everyone, thanks for joining and um..." She stopped walking trying to think of your cheesy fraze but couldn't.

"Honestly I'm just so excited to play this prank. And I'll probably have Y/n end it with me so. Stay tuned for that cheesy catch fraze." She started walking again going into the kitchen setting up a camera and a mic before heading to the dining room.

"Okay so as many of you probably know we never call each other on our full names. Not even before dating so I'm gonna see what happens when I do it." Taylor explained while hiding the camera and putting a mic in the room.

"She'll probably freak so bad. I'm sorry baby girl. I do love you but last week's prank on me... Let's just say this is me serving justice." She stepped back then looked around. "She'll be home in five minutes so." She walked to the kitchen making herself coffee standing there until you got home.

"Huney I'm home!" You loved yelling that even if Taylor was coming home with you. "Huney?" You called confused. Taylor always laughed or greeted back but she didn't this time and you knew she's home. "Tay?" You walked to the kitchen seeing Taylor with a mug in her hands.

"Hey you." You walked over to her standing on your tip toes to place a kiss to her cheek. "Hello." At first you didn't realise she was upset so you continued. "Long day?" Taylor asked sitting down at the dining table. "Yeah." You got yourself a glass of water.

"They didn't print any examples for me to choose from so I had to wait for them while we went over what type of clothing I wanted to use. I told them before, I want shirts, hoodies, socks and hats but they only did shirts. So I had to repeat myself a hundred times. But we finally got the prints and they're making the examples so tomorrow I just have to go back and see if I like it. Then I can finally give my fans merch." You got yourself an apple from the fridge.

"How was your day?" You asked searching the cupboards for a sweet. "Fine thank you Y/n." You froze jumping up hitting your head on the open cupboard door.

"What did you call me?" You asked swallowing hard on the chewed apple washing it down with water. "Y/n." Is all she said. "Oh shit." You started to sweat rubbing your head where you hit your head.

"What time is it?" You asked fishing for your phone in your pockets but it wasn't there quickly turning groaning when you saw the analog clock. You ran out to your room checking the clock next to your bed. It was only four. You always had a date at five or later.

You ran back to the kitchen. "What is today?" You asked looking at Taylor trying to see if she was wearing something formal themed or any clue for what you could've missed or forgotten about.

"Tay?" You carefully walked to the dining room. "Wait hold on you know I'm bad with these things can I?" You gestured at her phone and she just nodded so you grabbed it going to google searching for what day valentine's day is.

"Okay no it's not that." You looked around searching for anything that could help. "What year is it?" All general logic fled your mind to make way for the panic.

"Wait is it national cat day?" You looked at her but she just shook her head.

"Okay so- oh god is it mama Swift's birthday?" You asked going to get your phone to call her. "No." You turned to her worried about her one words answers. "Papa Swift?" She shook her head. "Austin's?" You tried giving her a sheepish smile but no again.

"Meredith?" She shook her head. "Olivia?" She shook her head, you were starting to sweat bullets. "Benjamin?" She shook her head.

"What is it? What am I missing?" You panicked walking to the calendar in the kitchen where you had written everyone's birthdays.

"It's not our anniversary." You said mostly to yourself. "No birthday or cat day." You couldn't find the problem. Then it hit you.

You walked to the dining room playing with your fingers. "Did I..." You swallowed past the lump in your throat. "Did I forget to tell you I love you this morning?" You asked feeling like crying.

Finally you saw a smile on her face. "Oh my baby girl." She stood up holding her hands out to you and you quickly hugged her.

"You've done nothing wrong." At her words you frowned and pulled back. "What?" You didn't understand by this point too nervous and confused.

"It's a prank." She pointed to the camera making you groan. "I can't believe you." You laughed hiding your red face in her shoulder. "I love you baby." Taylor placed a kiss to your head smiling at the camera.

"I honestly didn't know if that would work." She was clearly enjoying this. "I hate you." You muttered into her shoudler. "Don't worry tonight you'll love me again." She said making you laugh.

You watched at she grabbed the camera coming back to you holding it so it recorded both of you. "I promise I love you." Taylor said making you giggle.

"Baby what's that thing you always say?" She asked looking down at you. "Oh yeah, *insert cheesy fraze*." Taylor smiled amused as you waved to the camera covering the lense leaning up to kiss her.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now