❕Cornelia Street: part 6 ❌🚫✖

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[An: sorry for the late update but I accidentally deleted the original when I wanted to upload. So I had to rewrite the entire thing. And good news, the ending is kind of near. So yeah...]

Third pov

The tension between the Swifts and Y/n was painfully obvious. Andrea tried comforting her children but her efforts seemed to go unnoticed. Austin was questioning the last year and a half of his life while Taylor was scolding herself all over again and Y/n, she was torn between the two people she loves.

She wanted to tell Austin that she truly loves him and that he meant everything to her but she also wanted to run to Taylor. Even if the blonde had caused her a great deal of pain. Something just kept nagging at her, maybe there's a reason.

Andrea and Selena didn't even know what to say. Selena had intervened and stopped a few fights but the siblings still kept sharing cold stares at each other.

Austin, Selena, Taylor and Y/n were in another lobby waiting for their room keys. Selena was talking to the receptionist while Austin stared absent-mindedly. Andrea had left to pick up Scott at the airport.

Taylor tried to keep her eyes away from Y/n but still, she couldn't help stealing occasional glances. "Yes, room thirteen, twelve and two." Selena nodded not missing the lost looks on her friends' faces as they stood lost in their own worlds.

"Are we sharing?" Y/n asked Austin who stayed silent, Taylor glanced at him. He didn't know anymore. He wanted to hold Y/n but he didn't want to hurt her. "I guess it's up to you." He gestured at her as Taylor looked over and saw his frown.

"A simple yes or no," Y/n said and Austin sighed while Taylor tore her eyes away from the couple. "I don't know okay. It's impossible pleasing you." He mentally groaned scolding himself for the words he'd just spoken.

Taylor raised a brow at him. "Don't be a dick." She scolded her little brother. "Taylor!" Selena looked at her best friend. "What?" She looked at her friend surprised that she scolded her and not him.

"I'll sleep on the damn floor." Y/n took the keys from the receptionist then rushed off to the elevator accidentally grabbing Taylor's bag as she entered the elevator. "Wait!" Taylor rushed after the shorter woman not wanting to go knocking at her door again.

She wasn't sure she could take much more of the cold shoulder.

Taylor barely stepped into the elevator when it closed behind her she kicked the bag on the floor tripping. She stuck her arms out falling against the wall luckily she caught herself before falling, so she thought.

When she opened her eyes she had her hands beside Y/n's head while the shorter woman held her waist their faces once again inches away from each other. Both stood frozen breathing heavily from the shock.

Taylor couldn't stop her eyes from falling to luscious lips causing her to gulp. Y/n couldn't pull her hands off, it felt like her hands were glued to soft warm skin. Taylor exhaled as she leaned her forehead against her lovers.

Y/n gulped closing her eyes but couldn't keep them closed and when she opened her eyes she saw Taylor staring at her lips and out of habit she looked down at those tempting red lips.

The tension between them could be cut with a knife. Taylor looked into her favourite pair of eyes. She didn't know what to say or do. She couldn't get herself to let go or stand back she was hoping Y/n would push her away to stop her from doing something stupid but her hopes lowered when she felt one hand move higher up her side.

"What do you want?" Y/n managed in a whisper her grip faltering for a moment. Taylor couldn't even think for a second to stop herself, it just came out. "You."

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