❕Communication: part 3 🚫❎

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[AN: if anyone wants I will try and do requests. If anyone has any, don't be shy. You can comment or message me your requests. So yeah...]


Sitting up sniffling again she saw Taylor crying immediately, Taylor was quick to start crying too.

"Taylor?" She asked in disbelief. "It's me." She nodded wiping her tears.

Without another word, Y/n threw herself into the singer hugging her tightly. Taylor wrapped her arms around her too hugging her lover tightly.

They stayed like that for a while when they stopped crying Y/n pulled back looking at Taylor. She got up walking over to the window opening the curtains.

"Why are you here? I mean like how?" Y/n asked watching as Taylor stood with a small smile.

"I think we got set up," Taylor said walking over to Y/n. "Great." Y/n was about to leave ready to scold Erin but Taylor grabbed her hand stopping her.

"Before you go, please... talk to me first," Taylor begged her watching her e/y eyes scan over the room. "What do you want me to say?" Y/n asked turning to Taylor.

"Whatever is on your heart or whatever you feel needs to be said or heard," Taylor said and Y/n sighed but nodded. She gently tugged her hand walking Y/n to the bed to sit down together.

"I miss you," Y/n whispered before looking into her ocean blue eyes. "I never see you and when I see you it feels like you're not with me. You're always busy and I feel like I'm a distraction or something. I don't want to hold you back if you don't need me anymore. I didn't want to become a weight that holds you back." It broke Taylor to see her lover so sad.

"That's not all." Taylor could see it in Y/n's eyes. When Y/n didn't look at her she lifted her chin with her index finger and thumb. "If we want to work this out I need to know what's wrong, no matter how bad it is. Communication." She said not breaking eye contact.

"It felt like you didn't need me anymore. Like there was no more love for us to grow together." Her quivering lip made her look more vulnerable than before. "I... That's it." She whispered looking into glossy blue eyes.

A gentle hand cupped Y/n's cheek. "First of all, I'm sorry I didn't make you feel loved. Second, I will always need you no matter how long we are together or how much I grow up, no matter what I do. Third, I admit that you are a distraction but you are my favorite kind of distraction." Taylor said with a small smile in complete awe of Y/n, she's stared into those eyes many times but every time it seemed to get better.

Y/n couldn't help but smile, Taylor always knew just what to say. "I'm your favorite distraction?" She asked keeping her eyes trained on the electric blue ones in front of her. "Yes, and I wouldn't mind getting distracted more often." The blonde smiled when Y/n giggled.

"On a more serious note, you are the reason I strive to do better and grow, you keep me going making sure I don't stop thriving. And I know our love is too strong to stop growing." Y/n smiled at the blonde feeling better after just talking to her.

"Y/n I love you so much and I regret not giving you more of me but I don't want to write a song about how great we were, I want to write a song about how great we are and will be." Turning a bit to face Y/n completely.

"I want your everything every day and I want to give you my everything every day." Taylor felt a tear or two slip but she didn't wipe them away. "I love you too." Y/n smiled at Taylor.

"Can I kiss you?" The blonde asked with a hopeful look in her glossy blue eyes. "Please." Y/n cupped red cheeks pulling her closer as Taylor moved closer cupping her cheek too.

Staring into each other's eyes both struggled to imagine anyone else they'd rather be staring at and both were glad they didn't have to. Closing her eyes Taylor leaned in meeting Y/n halfway.

Their lips moved together in sync, fitting together perfectly. It wasn't often that their kisses got heated quickly but when it did, it was with good reason.

They had missed each other for months and they just wanted to show much they loved each other. Pulling Y/n onto her lap Taylor ran her long fingers through her hair and down her back holding her waist. Y/n pushed herself into Taylor cupping her cheek and neck deepening the kiss.

Before things got more heated their best friends burst through the door whooping. "Thank god," Erin said crossing her arms over her chest. The lovers pulled away panting but smiling.

Y/n wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck and hid her face in Taylor's neck as she wrapped her arms around the smaller woman afraid of letting go.

"Really?" Taylor raised her brow at the two. "Really." Selena nodded smiling. Selena and Erin were glad that their plan worked, they couldn't watch their friends suffer anymore, not when they could actually try to work it out.

"Thank you," Y/n mumbled into Taylor's neck, her lips brushing against Taylor's skin made the tiny hair in her neck stand up and goosebumps form. "Sorry I couldn't hear that?" Erin said with a smirk.

"Thank you." More goosebumps formed on Taylor's neck spreading over her shoulders and down her back. "We can't hear." Selena piped up. Y/n pulled away but kept her arms around Taylor.

"Thank you." The lovers said loud and clear. "Anytime," Selena said with a light chuckle.

"Now come on. There's wine downstairs and a wonderful sun outside." Erin waved the two along. "We'll catch up," Taylor called as they walked out the door.

She looked at the woman in front of her, the woman who had her heart, body, and soul. The woman with those y/c eyes that lived in her mind rent-free. "I love you so much," Taylor whispered softly afraid she'd wake up if this was a dream. "I love you too." Y/n smiled but a smirk followed.

"But you have to show me just how much you love me." Her playful wink threw Taylor off. She got off the girl taking her hand pulling her up leading her to the door.

Y/n looked back up at Taylor who's mouth was agape, she could see her mind going into overdrive. As she stepped out of the room Taylor pulled her back inside her room and closed the door behind her then pinned her against it.

"Why wait?" Taylor asked already planting kisses in her neck. "Our friends are waiting." Y/n giggled but didn't do much to stop her.

"They can listen to you screaming my name while they wait." She planted a kiss in the nape of her neck sucking on the sensitive skin. A gasp followed by a moan escaped Y/n's lips as she pulled Taylor closer at her hoodie. "I don't think- mhm." She couldn't finish her protest moaning again.

"Don't think. Feel." Taylor said slipping her hands under Y/n's shirt and that's the last coherent words shared between the two of them.

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