❕It's more than a summer thing: part 2 ❌✖️❎

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Taylor pov

*month later*

We decided on spending the day at Ashton's uncle's house. You sat on the beach between my legs resting your back against my front with your arms on my bent knees. We were both in our bikinis so I could feel your warm skin despite just coming out of the cold water.

"Ash said you remembered us." You said while taking my left hand and lacing it with your right hand. "I did." I said while using my right hand to adjust my sunglasses.

I thought about you every single day but I just couldn't contact you. I dreamt about you and thought about you. I even wrote a few songs about you.

"Even after almost two years?" You asked leaning back resting your head on my shoulder closing your eyes from the bright sun. "I never stopped thinking about you." I admitted staring at the water where Ashton was learning Austin how to surf.

"You didn't?" You asked again making me smile. "No. I made sure to keep tabs on you. Following you and Ashton on social media making sure you got better." I said and you hummed.

"Why didn't you message me or him?" You asked making me sigh. "I wanted to message you but I didn't want to complicate your life more than it already was."

"So I kept my distance, I didn't think I'd see you again." I giggled when a wave hit Austin over. "Me neither."

There were many sleepless nights because I was worried. I didn't know if you were truly doing okay and if you were falling ill all over again.

But seeing you now and having you this close. If I was guaranteed that I'd see you, I would go through all that pain again.

"Y/n, huney did you eat?" My mom asked you as she held up the lunchbox we packed for the day. "I actually did mama Swift, thank you." You said. "I ate with Taylor." You said and my mom nodded walking out to the sea to ask the boys.

"So tell me." You started still resting your head on my shoulder. "What did you think about the dinner I made?" You asked and I smiled. "It was wonderful." I said making you smile.

I loved how it felt helping you in the kitchen. The way you swayed your hips when the music started playing or when you loved the song playing. The way you looked in the kitchen, I liked it and I loved being in there with you.

"Now you tell me." I said and you hummed. "Will you and Ash join me on my 4th of July party?" I asked and you sat upright turning to me.

"Really?" You asked and I smiled nodding. "Of course!" You turned and threw your arms around me.

The party was in two days and it was a three day thing. But I knew most would be showing up tomorrow making it a four day thing.

"Can I bring anything with?" You asked and I smiled shaking my head. "Just yourself." I said staring at you unable to comprehend how beautiful you look.

"Why are you staring?" You asked making me blush a bit. "You're really beautiful." I said making you blush too.

"Are you okay? Can I fetch you your glasses?" You asked making me pout. "I'm serious Y/n." I said and you just shrugged.

I cupped your cheek making you look at me and when you did, god did I wish I could kiss you.

"You really are so beautiful. Not just because you look after yourself but because you have such a big heart and amazing personality. I think you're the most precious thing that's walked the face of earth." Despite the big aviators I could see your cheeks turning red.

"That's exactly what I'd say to you." You said making me chuckle. "I think that would be a stretch directed at me." I said and this time you pouted. "Let's both agree that we're beautiful to each other." You said and I smiled nodding.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now