You're very strong ⚠️❎

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Taylor pov

I laid on the couch with you on my lap leaning your body into mine as I held you close. We were watching Friends and you drifted of to sleep feeling exhausted and rightfully so.

You were diagnosed with skin cancer and you went to extreme chemotherapy. It broke my heart to see you so weak and tired but the doctors were positive that it would help.

So I supported you like I've done the past seven years. Even our beautiful little boy was supporting you. He was the most precious creature and an absolute mommy's boy.

Your father was in the military and your mother turned to drugs when she got cancer so you grew up in foster homes for about five years of your youth because your father didn't want you to be with your mother and he had nowhere else to go with you.

Once he finished his five year contract he moved back home and made sure to be there for you. Despite the anger you held towards him you two grew close and inseparable.

You feared having children afraid of eveything going wrong. You were afraid of being a bad mom but when I told you I wanted to have a family with you, you took the time to think it over. And after many sleepless nights and fights we decided on having our own little family.

You still feared messing up and being a bad mom but Kenan was so crazy about you it told you that you were doing something right. And I made sure to remind you everyday how great a mother you are.

I heard water pouring into the sink making me frown. Kenan was supposed to be sleeping. I picked you up carrying you upstairs to our bed tucking you in making sure to prop the pillow behind your back and between your knees. I kissed your forehead then walked downstairs.

I entered the kitchen seeing our six year old, Kenan carrying all the dishes to the sink and only when he turned did he see me.

"Hey buddy." I greeted giving him a raised brow. "Hello mama, can you please hand me that cup?" He asked pointing at the cup on the counter in front of me.

"Kenan why aren't you in bed?" I asked taking the cup to the sink then knelt down to his level. "Because the kitchen isn't clean." I titled my head in confusion.

"I know mommy hates a dirty kitchen." His words made me tear up and my heart melt.

Growing up with your father, a soldier who was taught to keep everything clean and neat. You picked up on his ways and it grew on you.

You hated a dirty kitchen. You always made sure the house was neat before going to bed. You never left the house if the beds weren't made. Everything that was taken out had to be returned to it's respective place.

You were really annoying with most of your rules but I learned to love and respect that about you. You have eased up a bit after we had Kenan and still you let some things slide you didn't before.

I knew you being unable to do all this worked on your nerves so Kenan and I tried to keep it clean and neat. But this week has just been rough and I neglected the kitchen my main focus being you and Kenan.

"I just wanted to help." He said playing with his tiny fingers making me smile at him. "Oh my baby boy." I pulled him into a hug loving how he laid his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I promise to go to sleep. I just wanted to clean." He said and this time I nodded. "How about we both clean the kitchen and then we hit the sack?" I asked and he nodded excitedly.

"I will go look for more dishes." He said standing back but still close enough that I could hold him.

"Can mama please get my steps?" He asked pointing upstairs. "I can yes." I kisses his head running my fingers through his blonde hair that resembles mine so much.

I walked upstairs to see you up in bed thanks to the lamp I left on. I passed his bathroom and walked straight to you. "Hey baby girl." I sat down next to you.

"What are you doing?" You asked and I just smiled at you kissing your pale lips. "Just giving a helping hand." I said and you raised a brow.

Even despite being tired and sick you were the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on.

"I'll be in bed soon okay?" I kissed your cheek fluffing your pillow then patted it. "Lay down it's been a long day." I said and you sighed but laid down.

We spent the entire day visiting doctors and I knew you hated them so I made sure to go with and help you. But as much as I helped it still tired you out.

"Is Kenan sleeping?" You asked while getting comfortable. "No." I said making you frown.

"Is he okay?" You started to get up again but I stopped you. "He's fine, he just wants to help." I assured and you looked at me frowning.

"He said he'd sleep after cleaning the kitchen. So I'm gonna help him then I'm gonna come hold you." I promised kissing your temple making you smile.

"I love you Tay." You said making me smile. "I love you too." I kisses your cheek then left.

I got Kenan's steps then headed downstairs to see him waiting. "Thank you." He hastily took the steps and started washing the dishes asking me to inspect each dish he washed wanting it to be squeaky clean.

After everything was washed and I wiped the counters I picked Kenan up and walked to his room to put him to bed but you called us.

I walked to our room and saw you holding your hand out. "Want to sleep with us?" I asked Kenan who nodded kissing my cheek.

Alright I'll get sir Tedingston." I said putting him down on the bed then went to get his favorite teddy bear. I found him tucked under the covers.

I walked back to our room seeing you slowly wrapped your arms around Kenan after he put off your bedlamp.

"I love you my angel." You said with a tired but loving tone. "I love you too mommy." He said turning and gently move a strand of hair out of your face. "Remeber that you're very strong." He sais kissing your cheek.

My heart melted at the sight tears welling up but I swallowed then walked to your side of the bed that you were facing.

"Hey you." I handed Kenan his teddy bear and he thanked me then kissed my cheek. "Goodnight mama." He hugged me the best he could.

"I love you." He said while pulling back. "And I love you." I kissed his head then got in on my side moving to wrap my arms around my wife and son.

My heart was overflowing with love and adoration for the two people I held in my arms.

"I love you Tay." You said kissing my arm. "And I love you baby girl." I pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder hiding my face in your neck inhaling your scent that brought me so much comfort.

"I love you both so much." I said only then did I close my eyes but stayed awake waiting until I knew you and Kenan were asleep.

When the room was filled with soft snores only then did I allow the sleep to take over me still holding you both as close as I could.

An: Wrote this instead of sleeping, sorry for mistakes and sorry if it sucks.

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