Handsy ❎

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You walked with Taylor up onto the red carpet posing together with her hand on your waist keeping you as close as possible.

When you took enough pictures you stepped aside making Taylor pout but when you pointed at her mimicking Will Smith she burst into a giggling fit grabbing your wrist pulling you into her arms pressing a kiss to your temple making you smile.

You both headed up the stairs arm in arm. "You gonna do an interview?" You asked looking up at your girlfriend. "I don't know." She shrugged but when she spotted Liza she smirked pulling you over to your friend.

"Hey girl!" She wrapped you into a hug before doing the same with Taylor. "It's good to see you." You smiled and she nodded with a big smile.

"You enjoying yourselves so far?" Liza asked and you both smiled and nodded. "So, are you two excited about doing your first met gala together?" Liza asked smiling from ear to ear making you chuckle amused. "Yes." You nodded before glancing up at Taylor who was already staring at you.

"To be honest I'd watch paint dry with my girl and still be excited about it." At her words you blushed and Liza awed. "That's adorable." She said making you giggle and blush.

"So what are you performing for us tonight?" Liza asked Taylor who looked at her with a smile. "Shake it off." At her words Liza hummed glancing at you knowing you wanted to surprise Taylor. "Good, good." She then turned to you.

"Anything specific you're excited about?" Liza asked and you nodded. "I heard Mila Kunis is here. I hope I get to meet her." You didn't see Taylor smirking as you spoke to Liza. "I hope you meet her too, she's great." Liza said glancing between you and Taylor.

"You two have fun, behave." She kissed your cheek then hugged Taylor. "Bye bye my babies." She waved as you headed inside.

"She's fun." Taylor said her thumb rubbing against your waist while she kept her hand on your waist holding you close. You walked around greeting people some you already met and some you haven't met.

"So I have a surprise for you." Taylor said smiling down at you. "Oh really?" You you hated surprise but loved Taylor's surprises. "Yeah." She nodded guiding you through the crowd you were to busy admiring everyone and everything you didn't notice who Taylor was talking to.

"Mila this is my girlfriend Y/n, she's quite a fan." At her name you looked in front of you and saw Mila Kunis. "Oh my god." You stared for a moment before speaking.

"May I hug you?" You asked your voice a but squeaky from excitement. "Please." She pulled you into a hug making you smile and giggle.

"So you're the infamous Y/n." She smiled gesturing at you when she pulled away. "That would be me." You nodded and she nodded.

"Taylor said you're quite the fan." She kept a kind smile on her face making you feel at ease. "I am. I love Bad Moms." You spoke faster than you'd like to but she seemed to understand your words. "That was a really fun movie to shoot." You kept conversation flowing so easily it was like you've known each other for years.

You didn't notice Taylor's 'she's mine don't touch' eyes. She wasn't sure how much you've been talking while she just stood close holding you against her body but she wished you were giggling with her.

You noticed Taylor's tight grip making you frown but when you saw Joe Jonas you assumed it was why she was being so protective over you. You two dated for a while but he broke your heart.

Taylor was the one who approached you at an award show wanting to apologize to you and tell her something good could come from it, a good example being her and Selena. But when she met you she was so in awe she'd forgotten why she approached you in the first place.

Taylor Swift × Female Reader [] ONE-SHOTS [] BOOK 1 COMPLETE []Where stories live. Discover now