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"The lights were dying inside of me,
But you've put warmth in my heart."
- Breath by Got7

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Yunho feels sick watching the syringe get closer and closer to Jihyun's arm, his heart beating way too fast.

Finally, something inside him snaps like a glow stick.

Every single emotion floods into him at the same time. He feels like his insides are caving in suddenly and he clutches the bars to the cage tightly to keep his composure. The emotional pain is so overwhelming.

A choke escapes him and for the first time in so long, tears pour out of his eyes. More and more tears fall, an endless stream being created over his cheeks. He looks out at Jihyun with his blurred vision and feels unbearable agony in his chest at the sight. He feels a desperation stronger than he's ever felt before.

Unable to control the tsunami of emotions inside him right now, he tightly grabs the bars of his cage with both of his hands. With a grunt, he pulls them apart slowly. San's eyes flick up and he stumbles in his place as the bars pull apart.

Yunho creates an opening big enough for him to escape by himself and hurriedly jumps out. "How did you-" San begins, but his voice is cut off when Yunho punches him straight at the side of his head. San instantly collapses onto the ground, the syringe shattering beside him.

"What the hell?" Jongho whispers while instantly dropping Jihyun and preparing his stance to fight Yunho. He doesn't hesitate to send his fist flying towards Yunho's face, but Yunho easily dodges the attack even with tears still streaming down his face.

He rapidly knocks Jongho out the same way as San and stares down at the three collapsed bodies. Panic rises in him and he doesn't even know what to do. He doesn't know how to deal with his emotions right now, but one thing he does know is that he is extremely worried about Jihyun.

He quickly picks her up bridal style and sprints to the door. Wooyoung stays curled up in fear and Mingi stares into space, having no orders to follow.

Yunho mentally apologises to them as he runs past them and up the stairs.

The tears drip off his chin and onto his clothes and the ground. He emerges from the basement at last and pants heavily, but the panic in him doesn't let him rest. He eyes the armed guards at the entrance and takes a deep breath before sprinting past them too.

None of the guards bat an eye, meaning their only job is to stop any escape. They probably don't even know about the basement and that Yunho shouldn't be running in the open right now.

He instantly dashes into Jihyun's room and lies her on the bed carefully. After making sure the door is shut, he wearily treads to her side. He kneels down beside her and sadly watches her unconscious face.

Tears have been falling this whole time, but now the first sob escapes him. After that comes another and then another. He buries his face into the bed beside Jihyun and cries loudly.

What's going on with him? Is he dying?

He lifts his head and every time he sees her face, he gets hit with a fresh wave of intense guilt and worry. She's been suffering all this time and all he has been doing is sitting there awkwardly yet happily, oblivious to the world.

"I'm sorry," he whispers in between sobs, leaning forward and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

All of a sudden, all his memories also rush right back into his mind. His head pounds with the abundance of new information and loose images spin around in his mind in a big flurry. So much is happening to him right now at the same time, he can't help but sit on the ground and hold his head.

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