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"The reason I kneeled down was to get ready for a leap."
- Naughty Boy by Pentagon (MV)

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Trigger warning: Blood, Gun

Lee Jihyun looks behind her shoulder and sees the man with black hair halfway down the stairs, his pistol held tightly in his hand. It angrily shakes while his finger sits smugly at the trigger.

She takes this as a cue to run for her life, quite literally. The information she has gotten will go to waste if she's killed already.

Honestly, the girl had no idea that her cocky gesture would anger the man enough to want to murder her. This gang may be dangerous after all.

Or maybe he discovered that she isn't actually one of the "brothers"?

She jumps into the ballroom, trying to appear somewhat normal. She speedwalks through the crowd, accidentally shoving a couple of men and women. A few curse at her but she ignores it, her eyes trained to a door at the other side of the room.

While forcing her way through, she whips her head around in an attempt to find her partners. This was meant to be their meeting spot after all.

All of a sudden she hears the door she entered through opening extremely loudly. It's definitely the man with the gun.

She quickly hops over to the door, opening it carefully without hesitation. She steps in and rapidly closes the door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief. She doesn't recall seeing any of her other teammates. Shrugging it off, she observes the room.

It most definitely has an antique style. One wooden dining table sits in the middle of the room with six glossy wooden chairs around it. There's a magnificent showcase at the back of the room, its shelves lined with beautiful crystalline structures.

The grand chandelier hanging from the ceiling sparkles in Jihyun's eyes and a grin grows on her face. Something about this room feels comforting. The tan wallpaper compliments the colour of the furniture quite well.

A large window beside the showcase catches her eye. Her confidence returns when she realises she can easily escape now.

But she's the leader of her team...it'd be wrong to leave without Mingi and Wooyoung, right?

She didn't see them in the area they were supposed to meet up in. What if they're hurt? Her shoulders slump as she walks towards another door, leading to an unknown room. There seems to be a lot of doors, huh.

Her breath gets caught in her throat when she opens the door and is greeted with nothing but darkness. Not even a small window.

The faint light coming from the dining room illuminates a bit of the dark but only very slightly. To Jihyun's surprise, it seems mostly empty. She decides to look for a light switch before thinking it's clear just yet.

Her hands follow the cold but smooth wall. She leaves the door open to help at least a bit with the lighting. Finally, the shape of a switch meets her fingers. She flicks it on and to her relief, the lights turn on. She stands at the doorway to observe the room, getting ready to turn back already.

She glances around and just as she thought, the room is absolutely empty. The walls have a simple white wallpaper and the floor has snowy white tiles. One more door is on the right wall of the room. One thing siezes the girl's attention, however.

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