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"If I wash it clean with soap,
If I wash away all my scars,
I see a beautiful heart,
You and I can wash together."
- Binu by Bibi

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Jihyun spent the last hour reading a random book she picked up. It was about scientific theories which wasn't interesting at all to the girl but she needed some way to pass time, waiting for Jongho.

She decides to spend the next hour roaming around again. This time she'll try to look around with more detail. The stinging in her wound subsided a bit over time, but she still won't stop cursing Seonghwa out in her mind.

She rolls over the glossy tiles once again, enjoying the smooth feeling. Just as she's about to go past a door, her curiosity stops her. She tries to stare through the door even though she knows that's impossible. Giving in to all the questions in her mind, she reaches out to the door handle at last.

The handle won't turn unsatisfyingly, proving that it's locked. Disappointed by the anti climatic result, she continues down the hallway. She rolls past a clock identical to the one downstairs and sees that it's already midday. If it's not early in the morning anymore why aren't there any workers strolling through the hallways?

She quickly rushes to the large staircase and stares at the bottom floor. When she sees some men and women shuffling around, she gets more suspicious. Are those people just there for show? Why are they only on the bottom floor?

An uncomfortable feeling settles at the bottom of her gut. Something feels very wrong right now but she can't tell what it is. She turns around to look at another large staircase leading to the next floor. One that Jongho forbid her from ever entering.

Is there a secret hidden there? Maybe she'll get all her answers once she explores that floor. Her eyes travel down to her abdomen and then down to the wheelchair sombrely. Unfortunately she'll have to wait at least another day for that.

Now having discovered every area on this floor, she huffs out of boredom. She decides to return to the large glass door, even though she cannot descend the stairs to the garden.

Jihyun stares down at the garden again, feeling nostalgic after seeing all the roses. If her mother were here, she'd probably enjoy this very much. The way the honey-like sunshine glazes the petals into looking like they were dipped in butter makes Jihyun feel warm inside. This warmth feels much more pleasant than the burning fire she felt when Seonghwa stuck his fingers onto her wound.

She flinches at the memory and the pain returns now that her attention is back on it. Why does he hate her so much?

Her thoughts rewind back to his very first impression of her...never mind, he has the full right to hate her.

She throws the door open widely so she can take a few deep breaths of the sweet fresh air again. Some small birds outside sing to her. She appreciates their comforting voices and smiles to them, even as they quickly fly away. The air outside is a nice temperature.

Suddenly her stomach grumbles like an earthquake and ruins the serene atmosphere.

"Hungry?" A familiar male voice calls out from behind her, slowly approaching closer and closer. She turns around to see Jongho pacing towards her. 

"You're back earlier than I thought," she utters. "I finished work early so that I wouldn't leave you alone for too long. You didn't face any difficulties, did you?" he kindly asks. Seonghwa's face flashes through her mind.

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