༻ Author's Note ༺

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Thank you for reading until the end of "Viridescence"!!!

This journey was quite a long one (compared to my others) and even though this whole story was a bunch of experimentation (ba dum tsss) with a new genre for me, there were still people supporting me the whole way through and I'm so so so grateful for you guys (//•ω•//)♡

Reading comments or seeing the same few people voting every time I released a new chapter is what kept me going and they have made countless days of mine way better :) Honestly, I can never thank you enough for the sweet and funny comments!





You four really supported me so much with your votes and comments and of course there are more people, but you four stood out to me and really pushed me to do better, so thank you <3

I'd especially like to thank IsAnna2022 and Hunnie-Bunnie for commenting so much every chapter, reading your guys' comments always makes my day and it seriously motivated me way more than you'd think, you taking time out of your day to read and comment so much really means the world to me. I'll never be able to fully express how thankful I really am in words, but I am so so so grateful for you both so thank you :)
Thank you both so much (。T ω T。)ノ~ ♡

Also I'd just like to explain a little bit for the alternative ending! It took me a LOT of contemplation to figure out which ending to use, because I had both written. Though one was a happy ending, and one was sad :') I really wanted to use the sad ending because it felt the most fitting in the story BUT I'm super sensitive and also grew extremely attached to everyone (yes, even Hongjoong) and I just knew that having a sad ending would crush me for days/ weeks so that's one of the reasons I put the good ending hahaha (I'm glad I went with the good ending anyway as I would've gotten beheaded by all of you if I put the sad ending <3) (⌒_⌒;)

I still wanted to let you guys see the sad ending too though (because I like to watch the world burn), so I included it as an alternative ending, however I had to tweak some bits to make it work. And yes, I went with the "It was all a dream" cliche because I didn't know how else to include it without breaking my own heart as well as yours ( ╥ω╥ )


I had actually started writing this book in August 2020, and I finished writing it in January 2021 so it's been 5 months and I'm really going to miss it :(

(It's been 7 months though by the time you all see this AHHHHH </3)

The inspiration for this story/ what gave me the ideas for this story is kind of funny to me actually! One random day I had a dream. That dream was literally just the first two chapters of this story (with different characters). I couldn't stop thinking of the dream and really wanted to write a gang au because of it.


I was playing the Final Fantasy 7 Remake and (I won't spoil) but Chapter 16 in the game got me thinking...and that's when more ideas started coming to me and
that's all it took to drive me to write this ヽ(°〇°)ノ

This is my first time writing so much angst, it defintely was a weird experience...I'm not too sure if I'll be doing much more of it in the future but maybe I just might so I don't know...

This was also my first time writing a story which I had a full plan for from start to finish. Everything in the story was planned before I even started writing it, but I'm not sure if it made much of a difference though.

This is also the longest story I've ever written, the word count coming to nearly 90,000 words (°ロ°) !

If you've read any of my other books you've probably noticed that I'm always trying something new in every story of mine, and that won't change but with trying new things comes many MANY mistakes. I make them all the time, whether that be a spelling error or something annoying in the story-telling so I apologise for that.

I'll admit it, I'm pretty garbage when it comes to writing but I find it so fun and while it brings me so much joy to see other people enjoying reading something that I like writing, I do feel quite guilty for subjecting you guys to the negative aspects of my stories </3 Again, sorry </3

I never intended to solely write for anyone other than myself, but I still would like to improve more for you guys at least and I hope there is progress, even if it's slow...

Anyways, I've rambled on for too long hahah oops (ง ื▿ ื)ว

If you have any questions about anything at all- the story, characters, me, anything- you can ask here (or anywhere else either, I don't really mind)!!! I promise I'll answer every little thing!

Also one last thing- would anyone be interested in a prequel to this story? It would be about how the gang developed from when Hongjoong and Seonghwa first met...it's just a thought that occured to me :') Even if I were to write one, it wouldn't come out that soon anyway...


Again, thank you so much for your support <3 I'll never forget the kindness you have all shown me ('。^ ω ^。')

Stay safe, healthy and happy <3

I love all of you, you're all beautiful and precious little galaxies hehe >:)

I love all of you, you're all beautiful and precious little galaxies hehe >:)

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Viridescence | YunhoWhere stories live. Discover now