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"Even if you're not by my side,
Even if I'm not by your side,
You know we're together."
- Telepathy by Bts

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Hours of Jihyun rocking back and forth pass. Her mind edges closer and closer to insanity as every scream enters her ears. She looks to Mingi, only to have her heart hurt more when she notices that his expression and position haven't changed at all these past few hours.

Eventually the door opens and Jongho walks in with two trays of food, San walking in from behind with two more.

"Do you like the progress? This is the best we've ever done!" San chirps. Jihyun's energy seeps into the ground. She can't even feel angry at him right now.

Jongho's face flashes with pity and he hesitates while approaching Yunho's cell. "I'm sorry we had to do this to you," he apologises, his voice actually containing the truth this time. Jongho's heart genuinely aches when he sees Yunho. This is the closest the pink-haired boy has been to looking distressed and it fills Jongho with dread.

"It's...fine," Yunho utters, mind flooded with Jihyun and Jihyun only. He wants to wrap his arms around her and cradle her to sleep. He wants to let her clutch his hand tightly. He wants to make her flustered from small actions. But he can't.


San places the tray down gently for Mingi, but for Wooyoung he carelessly flings pieces of cooked meat into the cage. Wooyoung viciously tears at them instantly, not one word leaving him.

Jongho walks to Jihyun's cage next and crouches down. He wracks his brain for some words of comfort to tell her. Even he feels a bit bad for what he has done and currently is doing. She must be experiencing an unhealthy amount of mental turmoil.

He knows that this is simply a fleeting thought though as he suddenly doesn't care anymore.

He stands up again wordlessly. His eyes linger on the girl for a few more seconds before he turns to leave.

Mingi stays staring forward even though the meal is sitting right in front of him.

"Mingi, eat!" San commands. Suddenly Mingi starts moving, robotically directing the spoon to his mouth while chewing the food slowly and steadily. The realisation hits her that her two friends have the exact traits of the serum that Hongjoong is trying to make, except just not together.

While Wooyoung is the killing machine aspect, Mingi is the obedient and emotionless part. Jihyun's heart pounds harder at the thought of the final serum being so close to completion. Although she was excited about it at the time, her resistance to the green liquid before must have sped up San and Jongho's research drastically.

San evilly stands and watches all the test subjects force the food down their throats, only Wooyoung being finished in the matter of minutes.

Once Mingi is also finished, San claps by himself. "Well done! Mingi, sleep," he demands with a large smile on his face.

To Yunho and Jihyun's surprise, Mingi instantly lies down and closes his eyes. It's visibly clear that Mingi really is asleep and this baffles the girl.

"Impressive, isn't it? That'll be you pretty soon," San winks to Yunho and Jihyun while taking the tray back and skipping out.

A fresh batch of warm tears flow down her face. What has she done? Her friends aren't even human anymore because of her foolish mistake.

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