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"That fearless thrill returns once the pain subsides."
- Lovesick Girls by Blackpink

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Jihyun sits with Mingi and Wooyoung in their company's break room with a cup of coffee each.

"So you're telling me that you're trying to find your brother that murdered your parents...but you still miss him and a part of you still loves him?" Wooyoung asks the girl before taking a sip of his coffee.

"That's exactly what I said. He's hiding so well, I wonder if he's even still in this country," she sighs loudly.

"We'll help you find him! We can all have coffee together with him and you guys can catch up!" Mingi suggests brightly. "After that I'll drag him to prison," Wooyoung adds. Her two friends shoot her a determined look in their eyes.

Her heart warms at their offers and a loud laugh escapes her.

"Thanks, you guys! Let's find him together," she giggles, the two other boys joining in.


Jihyun is brought back to a state of consciousness by the light sound of knocking. She reaches her arm behind her and switches the lamp on. Her eyes open slowly and her heart leaps into her mouth when she sees Yunho's face mere centimetres from hers. Her face burns up as she realises she's still wrapped up in his embrace.

The knocks get louder. Yunho slightly stirs cutely in his sleep before settling again. He's usually a light sleeper but for some reason today he's sleeping like a log. Jihyun smiles warmly at his peaceful state and at the feeling of his light breaths tickling her face. She decides to ignore the knocks and snuggle in closer to the boy, enjoying this feeling way too much. Her heart feels jumpy yet calm and happy at the same time. This feeling is one she hasn't had much of a chance to experience since getting kidnapped.

"Can I come in?" a slightly annoyed voice calls from the other side of the door. Jihyun instantly recognises it to be Jongho and bites her lip. If she says nothing he'll definitely come in by himself but if she says anything she'll wake Yunho up. She caves in and tries her best to move away from Yunho, but his grip is surprisingly tight. She tries to shuffle away from underneath but it's no use.

"Wait a minute!" she tries to respond as quietly as she can, but unfortunately she's still too loud for the boy beside her. "I'll wait then," Jongho answers as Yunho opens his eyes while squinting. Only the bedside lamp is on, but it's still apparently too bright for him. He blinks a few times, mind blank. Finally his eyes focus on Jihyun and they widen before he rapidly pulls his arms back. "I'm sorry! I wasn't really thinking last night and thought it was a good idea but-"

His rambling is cut short when Jihyun places a finger over his mouth. "It's okay, I liked it," she admits with a smile. Yunho's morning blush only darkens as he stares into her eyes.

Suddenly remembering about Jongho, Jihyun scrambles into a sitting position, Yunho following suit. She nearly forgot about her bruises all over her back. They rub against the fabric of her top as she moves, giving her an uncomfortable stinging feeling. She quickly runs a few fingers through her hair to fix it and then proceeds to also attempt to fix up Yunho's messy candy floss hair. 

He stares at her with a puzzled expression while she quickly fumbles with the stubborn strands of hair that won't stay down. Finding it pointless to explain, Jihyun decides to just let him find out himself. She takes a deep breath to prepare herself before shouting, "You can come in now!"

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