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"Right when I feel I caught you, you slip between my fingers."
- The Stealer by The Boyz

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Yeosang finishes explaining Hongjoong's story. The whole time, Jihyun has been clutching a bunch of Yunho's top in her fist.

Her brother went through all that while she was thinking she's in a big happy family? Her parents were so sweet and loving to her, how could they be like that to Hongjoong this whole time? She had always looked up to them, unaware that they were monsters. Her heart aches at the thought.

She doesn't even notice there are a fresh batch of tears on her face. She pats her cheeks and the tips of her fingers pull back soaked.

She felt confused before on how to feel about her brother. She loved him for being such an amazing brother but at the same time she hated him for murdering their parents and disappearing.

Now that she finally understands why he did all of that, she only feels even more confused. Did her parents even deserve an end so gruesome? He was mistreated his whole life though, and she can't help but feel a pain in her chest. She can finally understand the reason for her parents' death, but it still feels somewhat unjust.

He needs professional help and she wishes she could provide him with the love he has been missing out on, but she doesn't know if she can even give that to him anymore. It's probably way too late.

After being treated the way she was treated ever since being brought to this mansion, she doesn't feel like telling him that she's his sister. She doesn't know what to expect from him. Maybe he'll stop the abuse, but then he might start expecting her to show him different treatment too. She still believes he should experience love but she doesn't feel ready to give him her own yet. She feels horrible for it, but a part of her thinks that he doesn't even deserve to know that she's his sister.

Yunho gently pulls her closer and rubs his large hand over her shoulder. This gesture comforts her until the tears stop flowing.

"I'm sorry you had to find out about it this way. I had no idea you were the Jangmi he talks about all the time until now," Yeosang admits.

Jihyun's lifts her head off Yunho's shoulder and raises an eyebrow. "How did you know I was Jangmi?" she asks. He shrugs. "I figured it out based on your reactions just now."

Impressed by his skill, she wipes her tears. "Thank you for telling me everything. Please don't let Hongjoong know that I'm his sister," she begs. Although Yeosang doesn't quite understand why, he acknowledges that he will never fully understand how much pain she really feels so he agrees with a nod instantly.

Suddenly the door opens. Jihyun's breath gets caught in her throat at the sight of her brother. He resembles the brother she has in her memory way more every time she sees him now.

"Why did you storm off out of nowhere while we were talking?" he questions.

How have you become like this, brother?

"I'm sorry, I felt really unwell," she lies. Hongjoong nods and goes to take a seat beside Yeosang. He eyes him up and down before settling on the couch.

"Let's continue the conversation then! Where was I..." he thinks. Jihyun regards him with horror. Her, Yeosang and Yunho share worried glances repeatedly. 

"You know Jangmi, don't you? That's why you got all nervous when I mentioned her name," Hongjoong smiles as if he has figured everything out.

No you idiot, I was Jangmi.

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